dpsquat 4 weeks

Holy Carp, bro! Link didn't work, but I went to the board, and you're looking absolutely phenomonal! Is this weekend your prep contest?
dp very lean , good to see another 5'5" bb you are about where I am looking to get maby a few pounds heavier, you can never have enough muscle
it really bothers me how much better than me you look dpsquat......kick ass in your show, brotha - make us proud!
Very Nice!

Very muscular for a guy who is only 5'5". You are on your way to becoming a "Giant Slayer" You body is kind of following towards a Lee Priest look except your torso looks a little longer than Lee's. That's not a bad thing as I am a Lee Priest fan. I think the big boys better look out when it comes to fighting for the overall title.....