Drag curls today


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
wow they really felt great today. This is the second week in a row doing them on bicep day and it felt very comfortable and really got a great squeeze from them too. I did all burnouts today to torture my to gym buddies, and did drag curls towards the end, along with treadmill at a 8.5 incline
Didn't know of this exercise so I youtubed it and they stated that it's a really good mass exercise so gonna give it a go next time.

yeah I used really light weight and it really gives a great squeeze I olny used 50 pounds with my elbows really far back and it was feeling great, I did it at the end of a long workout
I'm going to try these this week, never tried them, but a lot of people are talking about them recently so I thought I'd give them a go