Drawing your oil with a low gauge pin


New member
Do you use a low gauge needle to draw out your juice then switch to a smaller one for a quicker process? Thinking of buying to different sizes next time.
I draw with a 22g needle and then replace it with smaller g needle for pinning. I never use the same needle to draw and pin.
I always use different needles. 18 or 20 to draw and 23 for injection. Easier to draw this way and the injection needle doesn't get dull.
Lol I have like almost every size 18,19 for drawing 23 as it comes with the syringe , 24,25,26,27 mostly for pining its dort cheap here where I've thanks gid and straight from pharmacy
draw with 18 and depending on how much juice im pumping in either a 25 ga or 23 if im pinning 3 ml....25 ga for 1 ml
yeah draw with 18 and then inject with a 22 x 1.5

Pins dull way to fast to use it for both
I used to draw from a 100 ml vial with an 18ga, but the rubber stopper got so torn up by the time I finished the vial that I had bits of the stopper mixed in with the gear. I have now switched to using 30 ml vials and 20 ga pins for drawing.
I used to draw from a 100 ml vial with an 18ga, but the rubber stopper got so torn up by the time I finished the vial that I had bits of the stopper mixed in with the gear. I have now switched to using 30 ml vials and 20 ga pins for drawing.
Yep that happens then u get leakage and stopper peaches in ur gear it sucks