Drol & Test E


New member
Ht: 5'10
exp- been thru a couple viles, not full cycles .
Been lifting for 3 years .. 2.5 yrs natty .

I was going to run a cycle of drol - 50mg , 4weeks
test e- 1000mg 8 weeks .

Any suggestions ? :bber:
I'd say thats way to much cause your own hormones are in full swing I would hope and they would be suppressed as fast as you took that much.. Quality takes time brutha ..
Wow--- I agree.
1k is a lot juice for a relative newcomer to supplementation.
I think you begin at 500mg for this cycle and see what your results are.
To be honest I was on 500mg for many cycles before I even considered bumping up the dosage.
If you cannot grow on 500mg then you will not grow on 1000mg...
Food for thought.
I will add one more thing- diet will play a huge part in your success- you don't mention your goals, but I assume it is to build muscle.
Can't do that if you don't eat....
If I could go back to age 21 I would've waited a lot longer to use gear and instead focus on diet and proper training, but if you are dead set on using it I would only take 500mg of test for 10-12 weeks, and 25mg of drol ED for 5 weeks. Either way you must focus on diet/training 100% or you will lose most of your gains once your are done. Slow and steady wins the race.
I'd take drol out and just run a test cycle at 500mg for that age. 21 is young to be worried about taking the right liver support and knowing the signs of possible damage from orals. Hell at 21 I couldnt even remember to put a condom on let alone would care about taking precautions on any oral support.
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I used 200mg of Deca a week for years. I was substantially bigger and in better shape than the guys using 5 times what I was using. At this point it's all about food.
That is simply WAY too much. Lots of guys including me gained 25lbs in 10 weeks of 200mg a week of test.
What's your diet like?
Wow--- I agree.
1k is a lot juice for a relative newcomer to supplementation.
I think you begin at 500mg for this cycle and see what your results are.
To be honest I was on 500mg for many cycles before I even considered bumping up the dosage.
If you cannot grow on 500mg then you will not grow on 1000mg...
Food for thought.
I will add one more thing- diet will play a huge part in your success- you don't mention your goals, but I assume it is to build muscle.
Can't do that if you don't eat....
^this too lol 500mg x 12-16 weeks
there has been good suggestions already but i would continue researching. are you familar with Post Cycle Therapy?

ARIMIDEX=AROMATASE INHIBITOR take .5mg EOD the entire cycle weeks 1-12

NOLVADEX=SELECTIVE ESTROGEN RECEPTOR MODULATOR for PCT to get you back to normal, depending on which test you use if its Testosterone Enanthate or Cypianate take 2 weeks after last pin 20mg a day for 2 weeks then 10mg a day for the last 2 weeks
yes i am familiar with a pct, i will be doing nolva at the dose you suggest for test e and hcg im not too sure what to run that at yet . Ive ran cycles at 500 mg even more .. and i havent seemed to gained alot of it.. =/
Ive been off for 4 months now , wondering the longer i stay off the harder it will hit me when i start back up so maybe i would just consider frontloading 1000mg for the first week or so and then lowering the dosage for the rest of cycle . also front loading drol ?? is that a good idea ?
I don't think you'll have an issue of being off for 4 months at all. You're receptors are fresh and I bet it will hit you fast than if you've been running a short cruise cycle after you stopped your last cycle.
yes i am familiar with a pct, i will be doing nolva at the dose you suggest for test e and hcg im not too sure what to run that at yet . Ive ran cycles at 500 mg even more .. and i havent seemed to gained alot of it.. =/

Then you got beat gear or your not training and eating properly! at your age with 500mg a week you would grow like a weed! I started at 24 yrs old and just 200mgs a week of test enanthate and grew like a monster!!
i have failed to have a diet !! Presser if you can help me with a diet id appreciate it , as far as working out routine ... i have that down !
At 21 you shouldn't need much to grow. I'm not trying to be a dick, but I'm a bit confused. In your first post you say you've run a few vials, but never a cycle, but as I read you keep stating that you've done cycle(s). Maybe elaborate more on what exactly you've run in the past (compounds, doses, lengths...). Also, maybe give us an idea of what your food intake looks like because like the other guys I'd be willing to bet that you're not eating nearly enough. If you can't grow off of 500mg, I will guarantee one of two things is the reason 1)it was garbage and either highly underdosed or just completely junk or 2)you're intake is not even close to what your body is requiring to grow

You are slightly tall and thin so I'm sure that you can pack on 15-20 pounds in a year with a clean diet with a lot of calories. And that'd be without any gear
first off maybe you need to hire someone to set you up on a offseason diet, and training program...that might be money well invested. Mike Ross, Nuk,Chris250, dude, ect,ect..many good guys on the board to help you out....as for your cycle...if (IF) you got legit gear..then at your age and weight...I think doing 250mg every 5th day with 20mg of dbol per day for 10-12 weeks is plenty...now you will grow like crazy if your diet and training is on point...