dropsets vs. supersets...


MuscleChemistry member
Which do you think works better and why?

I say dropsets. I think its the best way to get the most out of a set.
i agree cuz it focuses on the certain muscle group, I dont like supersetting since its just doing 2 exercises back to back.
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Dropsets because your muscle feels like its going to explode. My favorite drop set exercises are

Rope Kickouts
Side Raises
Machine chest press
hell yeah drops sets is where its at... really starts new growth up in the specific area while volumizing the muscle belly

funny you started this thread, cause today i did both for back and bi's lol... sick pump dude
i'm doing several drop sets a week now during my precontest prep.....off season every once in a while i'll do antagonizing muscle groups supersets ie rows with db bench press, curls with lying bb ext, shoulder presses with upright rows, etc
I just did dropsets last night and was teaching my son how to do them. I like drop sets for the same muscle group, but occasionally I'll superset a push/pull movement for a particular body part, most of the time being arms.
I love drop sets. I am taking a break from them right now, but usually do them pretty often. The pump is awesome. I don't really care too much for supersets.
i really dont feel that dropsets are productive. my pumps arent any better and youre lifting less weight. do forced reps or rest pauses instead.

supersets, although i dont do them much, do have a purpose. good for cardio and quick, efficient workouts with little free time to waste.