Duck Dynasty Controversy

Ox 51

Musclechemistry Guru
So Phil calls homosexuality a sin and A&E wants to drop him from his own show. I am a big fan of the show, but I won't watch it until they put Phil back on. I hope the rest of the family backs him up and forces A&E to keep him on. What do you guys think? Anyone else watch Duck Dynasty?
i think he has a right to his belief system, free speech ! And its not like he bashed gays, he said its a fucking sin and then quoted i think a Corinthians verse. And ive never seen the show but maybe a minute here or there, but i think they should all quit the show unless he is reinstated,
I agree. I believe they will stand together as a family as always. And, it's not like he even stated his beliefs on the show, it was in a magazine interview. A&E caved way too quickly and I think they will pay for it with Duck Dynasty fans.
I agree. I believe they will stand together as a family as always. And, it's not like he even stated his beliefs on the show, it was in a magazine interview. A&E caved way too quickly and I think they will pay for it with Duck Dynasty fans.

yeah it was GQ magazine i think, and i also thought it was an older interview but i could be wrong about that, but yeah this country is going overboard with Political Correctness and its getting old!

And im sorry but Two guys Ass fucking one another kind of aint too cool with me either,lol, i wouldnt nor have I treated a Homosexual any different but to a straight person it just seems wrong, and if one of my kids turned out to be gay i would love them the same,
I agree that two guys together is just wrong. And what happen to freedom of speech.

A&E is a just afraid of a lawsuit.
a lawsuit over what? thats the worse part bro, no one can sue them over this, there was ZERO reason to suspend him period,
I never understood why the majority of the population had to bow down to a group of people that represent less than two percent of the population. The only people being BIGOTS here are the gays. Since when are people not entitled to an OPINION?

This will back fire on Gay&E... I've never watched a minute of the Duck Dynasty Show but now I'm a fan out of general principle.

Glenn Beck offered them to bring their show over to his Blaze network this morning. I bet they will get offers out the ass(pardon the pun, LOL) to have the show produced on a different betwork.

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a lawsuit over what? thats the worse part bro, no one can sue them over this, there was ZERO reason to suspend him period,

Agreed. The ONLY person being discriminated against here is Phil. PERIOD...
I never understood why the majority of the population had to bow down to a group of people that represent less than two percent of the population. The only people being BIGOTS here are the gays. Since when are people not entitled to an OPINION?

This will back fire on Gay&E... I've never watched a minute of the Duck Dynasty Show but now I'm a fan out of general principle.

Glenn Beck offered them to bring their show over to his Blaze network this morning. I bet they will get offers out the ass(pardon the pun, LOL) to have the show produced on a different betwork.

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Agreed. The ONLY person being discriminated against here is Phil. PERIOD...

yep! 100% right though im not sure how long the contract is with A&E so they would need to change the title of the show maybe but your right, any cable network would be happy to pick up their show, its the highest viewed cable show in history they said this morning on the news, i had no idea it was so popular either, like i said never seen it really but like you im a huge fan now for G.P. as my mom use to say lol

and only 1% of the population is gay so wtf!!!
The world has become so backwards. Its perfectly fine to discriminate against Christians that make up the MAJORITY of the population of the country but as a Christian you speak the work of the bible and you the world loses their minds. I dont get it? When did the world flip flop and become so bassakwards.
Phil is the man! This nation needs to cut out all this crap. Being sensitive bullshit
The world has become so backwards. Its perfectly fine to discriminate against Christians that make up the MAJORITY of the population of the country but as a Christian you speak the work of the bible and you the world loses their minds. I dont get it? When did the world flip flop and become so bassakwards.

5 years ago after this little thing called the Election lol
I think it started much earlier. Obama is easy to point a finger at and rightfully so but he just compounds it. Its way older than him. Political Correctness is one of the worst things to ever envelope this nation.
What will A&E do when the rest of the family say that they agree with Phil? Are they going to suspend them all?
I think it started much earlier. Obama is easy to point a finger at and rightfully so but he just compounds it. Its way older than him. Political Correctness is one of the worst things to ever envelope this nation.

your right PC was on the rise before then, but its exploded SINCE THIS LIBERAL TOOK OFFICE, and i mean EXPLODED! I dont think it would be anywhere near where it is now and how fast things have changed if not for him! He gave the country permission to be a bunch of liberal pansy asses and everyones afraid to stand up to it now, especially considering his crooked ass administration. So yeah it was on the rise, but man things sure did change might mighty fast the last 5 years and i fucking hate it!!!
What will A&E do when the rest of the family say that they agree with Phil? Are they going to suspend them all?

I would bet my life that if the rest of the cast said they werent doing the shows without him, that A&E would back peddle fast as fuck, and they should!
It started long ago with Womens Liberation movement, demasculanizing of men. The destruction of the family telling women that you must go out of the house and get a job instead of raising kids. Whats happening are all parts of the pillars of Communism. Its happening...

I do not have kids and the BIGGEST reason is I cannot afford to have my wife stay home and raise them. Unfortunately we both have to work to keep our heads above water. What was so wrong with the 1950 where the husband could get a job and provide for the family on his own. That dream is LONG gone.

This current episode and out right attack on Christian beliefs is just one more example of how the family unit is being eroded and destroyed.
a lawsuit over what? thats the worse part bro, no one can sue them over this, there was ZERO reason to suspend him period,

You dont think the gay activist would try have a lawsuit against A&E. For supporting Phil ? But all it is wroth if I was Phils family I wouldn't let A&E camera's around my family tell Phil was back on the
You dont think the gay activist would try have a lawsuit against A&E. For supporting Phil ? But all it is wroth if I was Phils family I wouldn't let A&E camera's around my family tell Phil was back on the

no bro they cant sue for what someone said at a seperate venue, i mean anyone can file a lawsuit, but it wouldnt even make it to court, there is absolutley zero basis for a lawsuit, i think they were more concerned with bad publicity or some type of movement or campaign against a&e but no not a lawsuit brutha
the thing is he was "baited" into it...he was asked a question and he gave his opinion...he didn't go out unsolicited and bash gays or anything...those who are asking for tolerance are so hypocritical and intolerant...they make the problems worse by constantly shoving it down our throats (gay-pun intended)

if they didn't want the answer, they shouldn't have asked the question...getting rid of him won't help A&E at dynasty will sign with CMT like Dog the Bounty Hunter did...A&E needs duck dynasty alot more than the robertson's need a&E
The thing about it was he did not bash gays. All he did was say he supported the Christian definition of marriage and stated a VERY valid reason why a man would want to sleep with a woman.

He said nothing derogatory, hateful or spiteful.