Duck Dynasty Controversy

homosexuality is disgusting behavior, so what. I give him a hand for saying what he felt. I say what I want too. I work for myself and dont give a rats ass If I offend anyone. You can kiss my white pimple ass
I am so disgusted. I live in SAN FRANCISCO CALIF. (parents born here, I was and my kids were) Here, it is if you
have a different opinion then the MINORITY, you are not allowed to say it or think it. The part that really pisses me
off is the Liberals here (or whatever you call them) DEMAND their RIGHTS and free speach but if your opinion differs
from theirs you are not allowed to voice it. Pretty fucking bad/sad. Our overboard on political correctness is destroying
us. While back they tried to pass a law that if caught driving without valid drivers licences your car will be seiezed,
UNLESS you were illegal, then it would be a undo hardship to take their car, they might need if for work. (I am dead
serious) There was another push to have the city pay for cell phones for all homeless, they might need one. I know
people who work that cant afford cell phones for all family members. This PC is one of the things ruining us.
I am so disgusted. I live in SAN FRANCISCO CALIF. (parents born here, I was and my kids were) Here, it is if you
have a different opinion then the MINORITY, you are not allowed to say it or think it. The part that really pisses me
off is the Liberals here (or whatever you call them) DEMAND their RIGHTS and free speach but if your opinion differs
from theirs you are not allowed to voice it. Pretty fucking bad/sad. Our overboard on political correctness is destroying
us. While back they tried to pass a law that if caught driving without valid drivers licences your car will be seiezed,
UNLESS you were illegal, then it would be a undo hardship to take their car, they might need if for work. (I am dead
serious) There was another push to have the city pay for cell phones for all homeless, they might need one. I know
people who work that cant afford cell phones for all family members. This PC is one of the things ruining us.

It's called intentions of class wars created to cause, well exactly what they cause
Who cares? Phil is a old school redneck who lives in an "analog" world....

I think if the comments would have been done on video, in Phil's normal funny delivery....everyone would be laughing about it. Its hard to tell someones candor when reading a written message, or fuck even a text... you can get the way wrong impression by misreading a text!..

Oh Well... A&E is not going to let the cash cow walk away, regardless of what anyone thinks...

A&E stands for arts and entertainment they need to stay out of the political issues. I don't get television. So I will never watch the show. However I support people saying what they want to express. Its called freedom of speech. Who really cares if the sodomites are offended anyway. They need to go eat some hot peppers to remind them of what the but hole is really used for. Thats what I tell them.
I think gays should come out with their own version, mocking it calling it "Dick Dynasty" .........that being said, gays don't bother me mostly because as I've said before, I don't care whether they are happy as a $3 dollar bill or if they all fall off the face of the Earth. They are a non-factor in my life. Besides they only mean more women for us hetero's :)
I saw the greatest video today, it showed them all a few years back (the kids I'm assuming) all looking like rich clean cut, highlights in their hair yuppies haha that was amazing.