Eating off season

This is the first year in a LOOONG time that I am still keeping track of every single calorie for 6 days of the week. Even on my off day (Saturdays), I still go with a full rotiserie chicken from the Safeway deli for sandwiches on whole grain bread with some harvarti, maybe a terriyaki chicken salad or a chipotle burrito for lunch, Boston Market chicken breast sandwich or two for dinner and my usual protein shakes. Oh, and I add in some cereal bars for carbs. Other than that, I am keeping it pretty tight this year so I don't get as fat as usual.

Since I do not compete I do not have an off season, I play multiple sports aside from weight training so I try to eat 'fairly' clean but 1 day a week LOOK OUT anything and everything goes-usually Sundays I tailgate for the Eagles and eat and drink and eat and drink..
Man, I started eating as big as I could starting one year ago. My diet hasn't changed since, whether on gear or off gear. I can't see myself watching my calories (or dieting) for at least a couple years.
I am eating just like my contest diet but 3 times as much. trying to say very clean so slip dosent have to make me work as hard this spring. lol

I keep reading about how everyone says eat eat eat. I started to think that maybe Im not eating enough. I think on my clean days I eat more than just about everyone here. For example
"clean day 1"
3 chicken taboule wraps 48g protein 32g carbs each
3 protien shakes 40g protein each
1 1/2-2lbs lean ground beef
2 cups noodles
and snacks- pretzels or cheese and crackers
3 shakes
1 2 cup serving of tuna casserole 60g protein 70g carbs
2 chicken sandwiches 55g protein 50g carbs
1lb lean ground beef
1 large pizza ????
Yet I still progress very slowly
And Ive been getting dumb little leg injuries
:angry: that make me take it easy for a week or two, but I think that has to do with not stretching enough. Im doing 1000mg of test a week and I dont want to do anything else, since I should be able to gain on this (Im pretty experienced).
MID. I thought you were dead bro. Where have you been. I tried calling you a couple times but didn't leave a message. I had a chance to grab an extra ticket for the game but I needed to know right away.
I have to keep track of my cals in the off season to make sure I eat enough cals....I try to eat 1,000 cals with each solid meal.....I eat 5 sloid meals and have 3-4 shakes....

I usually eat
-5,700-6,000 cals a day
-450 grams of protein
-1,000 grams carbs
-150-200 grams fat...
I am eating just like my contest diet but 3 times as much. trying to say very clean so slip dosent have to make me work as hard this spring. lol

I'm trying to eat around 5000 calories a day.

1000 of them come from flax / olive oil. It's an easy way to add 1000 clean calories a day to your diet. I get around 350 grams of protein a day, mostly coming from shakes, tuna, or chicken breasts. I'm going to start mixing some of my protein shakes in skim milk instead of water since this is the winter bulking season.
The rest of my calories come from fruit, pasta, potatoes, oatmeal, yogurt, and occasionally some of the things I don't admit to eating.

Snickers Icecream bar or Blizzard from DQ....nope never had one...what are they anyway ?