EC Megastack 600 cycle?

Ron J

New member
I'm planning my next cycle. Was thinking maybe the megastack with some tren, igf and dbol or var? I love the prop, tren, mast and winny. Just wanting to add a little more mass. Any advice?? Happy New Years, btw!
Hey Ron, my last cycle I ran a tri blend of mast,tren ace,test prop,100 mg each with winny and had a great strength was through the roof.for the last 4 weeks I added var 60 mgs a diet consisted of basically fish,chicken,grass fed beef and lots of veggies.i did add some solid muscle and my condition was incredible.ended up at 190lbs and 8 % b.f.although not a classic mass builder you will end up extremely hard and ripped if your diet is on gonna do the same run but throw in some halo this time.good luck
I'm running that blend at 80mg each. As you said, strength is crazy on this cycle! My diet is on point and i have made some great gains. I'm sitting around 240lbs and have leaned out a lot since the start of this cycle. I may do like you said next cycle. Do the 100mg blend and add dbol the first 4 weeks, then switch to var the last 4-6. Good luck to ya. Keep us updated on yours.
Are there any blends out with deca in it? Or could pin deca, tren, and test in the same syringe? That too much in one pin?
Are there any blends out with deca in it? Or could pin deca, tren, and test in the same syringe? That too much in one pin?

Yup you can pin them all in the same syringe, just make sure whatever muscle your putting it in can handle the volume, outside of that most oil based compounds can be mixed with no issues.