ECA stack Q&A


New member
Hey bros,
That OTC fatburning thread got me thinking about the ECA stack.
In the past when I used it was before the ban and I used stuff like ripped fuel and hydroxycut(man that old twin labs shit in the brown glass bottles was POTENT).

When piecing together the stack nowadays it looks like primatene is the best thing for ephedrine hcl, and then obviously caffeine and aspirin.
What kind of dosages for the three of these have you found effective, and how many times per day, for how many weeks? Empty stomach or doesn't matter? All three at the same time or some specific order?
Thanks, looking to get PEELED for my show this summer. :tread:
you take all 3 at same time bro and 25mg ephedrine hcl, 200-400mg caffiene, and 85-150mg asparin and you can take it whenever u want, but i like to take it before the gym about half hour before. when i was getting ready for a show i would take it 3 times a day and the first one was on empty stomach in the morning and then go do cardio, then one in the afternoon and then once before gym
you take all 3 at same time bro and 25mg ephedrine hcl, 200-400mg caffiene, and 85-150mg asparin and you can take it whenever u want, but i like to take it before the gym about half hour before. when i was getting ready for a show i would take it 3 times a day and the first one was on empty stomach in the morning and then go do cardio, then one in the afternoon and then once before gym

jackpot...there is a rough ratio to use on all the compounds. bill philips from the eas days actually was right on this one...
jackpot...there is a rough ratio to use on all the compounds. bill philips from the eas days actually was right on this one...

How do you determine how much to use out of the ranges presser posted? I could guess on the caffeine. 200mg don't do shit for me so I would def. use at least 300, but the aspirin? No clue.

Also, I imagine at some point in time after starting this stack it may start to diminish it's effects yes? Could this be prolonged by adding T3 in at some point, or should you just use T3 from the get go for max effect?
Man, honestly try this and grab some OxyElitePro, I tried this stuff today and it's unreal. You could swap between the two
How do you determine how much to use out of the ranges presser posted? I could guess on the caffeine. 200mg don't do shit for me so I would def. use at least 300, but the aspirin? No clue.

Also, I imagine at some point in time after starting this stack it may start to diminish it's effects yes? Could this be prolonged by adding T3 in at some point, or should you just use T3 from the get go for max effect?

with the asperin doses bro its up to u and what dose asperin you can find, but anywhere in the range i posted will work i promise

as for your guessing that 200mg of caffien will not work for you, well its entirely different taking 200mgs caffiene alone and not feeling shit, and then taking 200mg caffiene with the ephedrine and asperin, as they work togther synergisticly raising the effect of each dose compared to what it would feel like had you just taken that dose alone with out the other 2 substances.
you must use at least 81mg aspirin...oxy elite pro is cheating in comparison, it has geranium oil in it. geranium oil is now banned and will be phased out of all supplements later this year by the FDA
you must use at least 81mg aspirin...oxy elite pro is cheating in comparison, it has geranium oil in it. geranium oil is now banned and will be phased out of all supplements later this year by the FDA

Are you serious? Better stock up then on pre workout drinks. I love that stuff. Amazes me that they ban everything that works but selling snake oil is ok. Cock suckers.
stock up on the Explosion and all the pre worout the end of the year, bam ALL GONE... sucks FDA wants to ban anything that works for performance...
Its not only just preworkouts but damn near half all supplements out there. 1-3 dimeth is everywhere. This sucks
yep..because it works like amphetamine it curbs the cravings, gives the energy you need, etc....but i have something up my sleeves...its similar to ephedra, as strong or stronger and legal...i just need more time working on it and finding a lab to cut me a deal...
yep..because it works like amphetamine it curbs the cravings, gives the energy you need, etc....but i have something up my sleeves...its similar to ephedra, as strong or stronger and legal...i just need more time working on it and finding a lab to cut me a deal...

LOL, that's great but it will be banned too if it works!
Any idea on how long stuff like explosion will be available for? Have you been told to stop manufacturing it yet?