Effects of ANAVAR on sex drive?


Does anyone have experience with anavar only cycles.........how does it affect the sex drive while on....then whne off?
I've never used anavar but I think this is going to be a very individual. I have used Test, Deca, Tren, Adrol, Dbol, EQ, Winny, M1T. I have never completely lost my sex drive on or comming off a cycle, and if anything while on a cycle my sex drive is increased. While on 750mg Sust/wk and 400mg Deca/wk I needed sex or to materbate about 7 or 8 times per day, I guess there goes the Deca dick theory. The only time my sex drive is even slightly lower is for a couple weeks after a cycle is comlete.
CYPHON said:
Does anyone have experience with anavar only cycles.........how does it affect the sex drive while on....then whne off?

You should be OK,,but Peeps are diff. Might just better
keep some Prop handy.

I did a 8 week cycle of anavar at 30mg/day. I recall that on the first week the sex drive went up. Then stabilized amd in the last couple of weeks it was abnormally high again. Never had libido issues while on. The pct however, was different. I do not believe that anavar doesn't affects HTPA. In the first week the erections were hard to maintin, but I was still able to perform. Not a big deal, but I was surprised to see that oxandrolne suppresses HTPA to that point.
I have done quite a few cycles of axandrolone (anavar) usually stacked with something else but I did do 2 alone at 60mg/d. Alone I actually saw no change in my sex drive and no change when cycles ended. I would stack it with something though. I like to start it 2 weeks into a cycle and run it 3 weeks after.
I don't believe the anavar efx HPTA until you get to higher dosages like above 25-30mg a day. I'm going by literature though so it very well may be wrong esp when it comes to different individuals with different genetics/receptors, etc.