Elbow pain


Gold Member
Anyone experience nagging elbow pain and what did you to make it better? Been pretty consistent in the gym and cardio last couple of weeks, but this damn nagging pain is making it difficult and have to cut it short sometimes. It's progressively gotten worse over the last few months. Basically it constantly feels like I hit my funny bone and it radiates from my lower tricep to my wrist. It's ok if I keep my arm constantly straight, but that is nearly impossible to do all the time without a brace of some sort. I think it might be irritation to my ulnar nerve (ulnar neuropathy) or possibly tendonitis. I believe it is having an effect on my grip strength and seems that its likely ulnar neuropathy based on descriptions I have read.
Anyone experience nagging elbow pain and what did you to make it better? Been pretty consistent in the gym and cardio last couple of weeks, but this damn nagging pain is making it difficult and have to cut it short sometimes. It's progressively gotten worse over the last few months. Basically it constantly feels like I hit my funny bone and it radiates from my lower tricep to my wrist. It's ok if I keep my arm constantly straight, but that is nearly impossible to do all the time without a brace of some sort. I think it might be irritation to my ulnar nerve (ulnar neuropathy) or possibly tendonitis. I believe it is having an effect on my grip strength and seems that its likely ulnar neuropathy based on descriptions I have read.

sorry to hear that brutha! Sounds like tendonitus to me, which i have had a few times in my life, and nothing but time heals that unfortunatly , Ibuprofen and Aleve have always helped somewhat,
Yep I had the same thing happen to me, my joints were real bad all of them, I think it was because I ran super dmz too long, ,I mybe not good advice, but after I research anadrol 50 , I ran it for 2 weeks, AND NOMORE JOINT PAIN" ,IT lube my joints,Am off that not back to rugulor routine its all good Check out my other postc-ya

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Yep I had the same thing happen to me, my joints were real bad all of them, I think it was because I ran super dmz too long, ,I mybe not good advice, but after I research anadrol 50 , I ran it for 2 weeks, AND NOMORE JOINT PAIN" ,IT lube my joints,Am off that not back to rugulor routine its all good Check out my other postc-ya
How long has the pain lasted? Is the pain in your entire elbow joint, or just in back around tricep insertion? More pain when pressing(bench or overhead)? Do your fingers have a tingle sensation? Are you having trouble with losing feeling in your hand? Do anti inflammatories relieve the pain?
Its gotten progressively worse over the last couple of months or so. It's gotten really bad the last few weeks. It hurts more sharply around the tricep insertion but it is surrounded by a dull ache all around and inside my elbow and down my arm. Feels like a combination of growing pains and hitting my funny bone constantly. It hurts worse doing bicep curls vs tricep extensions - couldn't even finish my bicep workout last week. Anything that requires me to bend my arm and straighten it out hurts. Pinky and ring finger are slightly numb/tingle especially if I clench my fist or bend those two fingers. The rest of my fingers seem to be okay. Although feels like some numbness down my arm too. Ibuprofen doesn't help.
BiggerStronger I am in the same boat, went to Dr and he wanted me to get an MRI to make sure it was a partial tear in the tricep, its been nagging me for months, even took 2 weeks off and came back light but damn it.........still painful as hell......even resting it on a table hurts.....
Dr. asked me if I work at a desk all day on computer, thinks it could be from that....which I dont think......anyway.....I started to really hurt when I was running Super DMZ, not sure if that was the problem.....
Silk and I both got it. It lasted longer on her. Once I got back on MC IGF it seemed to recover quicker. I kept neoprene wraps on my elbows and used DMSO sometimes twice a day. I always use it preworkout as its an amazing pain reliever.
Yes yes yes! It is the DMZ"" that dried up the joints" to an unbearable pointthe exact same thing happen to me ,STOP USING DMZ"what help me was good advice from another brotha herehe recommend a gel called ABSORBINE VETERINARY LINIMENT GEL""ITS A TOPICAL ANALGESIC, You can buy it at any feed supply store for 10 bucksGet a pair of old socks cut the end apply a good amount of gel onthen cover your elbow with the socks" best time to do it at bed timean when at the gym you how we like to wear tang tops to see our muscles!"!!Nope don't do that, wear a sweatshirt now to keep the joints warm Now this definitely well helpFor me I went the extra mile and ran anadrol 50 real toxic but it helped meWell I hope this info was understandable and useful Gostrider out!!

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Yes yes yes! It is the DMZ"" that dried up the joints" to an unbearable pointthe exact same thing happen to me ,STOP USING DMZ"what help me was good advice from another brotha herehe recommend a gel called ABSORBINE VETERINARY LINIMENT GEL""ITS A TOPICAL ANALGESIC, You can buy it at any feed supply store for 10 bucksGet a pair of old socks cut the end apply a good amount of gel onthen cover your elbow with the socks" best time to do it at bed timean when at the gym you how we like to wear tang tops to see our muscles!"!!Nope don't do that, wear a sweatshirt now to keep the joints warm Now this definitely well helpFor me I went the extra mile and ran anadrol 50 real toxic but it helped meWell I hope this info was understandable and useful Gostrider out!!
Its gotten progressively worse over the last couple of months or so. It's gotten really bad the last few weeks. It hurts more sharply around the tricep insertion but it is surrounded by a dull ache all around and inside my elbow and down my arm. Feels like a combination of growing pains and hitting my funny bone constantly. It hurts worse doing bicep curls vs tricep extensions - couldn't even finish my bicep workout last week. Anything that requires me to bend my arm and straighten it out hurts. Pinky and ring finger are slightly numb/tingle especially if I clench my fist or bend those two fingers. The rest of my fingers seem to be okay. Although feels like some numbness down my arm too. Ibuprofen doesn't help.

Best case scenario, you're looking at tendonosis, aka long term tendinitis....worse case scenario cubital tunnel syndrome or ulnar nerve entrapment, which is an increased pressure on your ulnar nerve...

Due to the fact that NSAIDs are not working, and tingling in the 4th and 5th finger leads me to think its nerve entrapment, similar to a pinched nerve....

Depending on how long it's been lasting and the severity of the nerve, you can rehab with out surgery....you can try to wear a small pad or sleeve on the elbow throughout the day to avoid bumping it. I usually suggest repetitive flexion/extension a few times a day just to keep blood flowing. At night try to keep it straight, a light brace or sleeve should be enough....if symptoms continue after a week-10 days go to doctor and ask for a EMG/NCS test.
Thanks for all the input. Great information. I've got an appointment on Tuesday and I doubt the doc will give me any better advice. After all my reading I also believe its nerve entrapment and I believe that I also have subluxation as my elbow join pops strangely at times. It's not excruciating at this point, but more of a nagging burning pain that is just very irritating. Makes it hard to do basic tasks like computer and writing with a pen is a bitch. I had to take like 10 breaks filling out the forms for the doctors office.
So I went to the doctor and she said that it sounds like tendonitis of the tricep and it is probably irritating the ulnar nerve. They took xrays before seeing the doc and said the elbow joint looked good. She told me not to do any tricep extensions (or any other painful exercises such a shoulder raises) for the time being and prescribed prednisone for the inflamation. She said its ok to do any other exercise as long as it doesn't hurt. Sound like a good diagnosis?
No, prednisone is a corticosteroid, most horrible thing you can have done to your body. Corticosteroid masks the pain by eating away the tissue that hurts. Typical doctor tho, treating the pain not the problem. If it is tendinitis, and its so bad it's bothering a nerve, then inflammation isn't the problem, edema is. Contrary to popular belief inflammation and edema(swelling) are not the same thing. Stick to acetaminophen, Tylenol, will help with the pain. Ice, to numbness, don't do 20 min on 20 min off. Take an ice cube run it over the effected area for 10-20 seconds then wipe off the wetness and repeat for 5-10 minutes, until the area is numb. Stay away from lifting heavy on it, but get movement to the joint, as much as possible, this will get blood flowing to the area, vital to recovery. If you can find someone who is experienced in Voodoo compression/flossing, get a few treatments with that! Hard to really treat you over the net, but if you can follow all that, be back to 100 in a week to 10 days
No, prednisone is a corticosteroid, most horrible thing you can have done to your body. Corticosteroid masks the pain by eating away the tissue that hurts. Typical doctor tho, treating the pain not the problem. If it is tendinitis, and its so bad it's bothering a nerve, then inflammation isn't the problem, edema is. Contrary to popular belief inflammation and edema(swelling) are not the same thing. Stick to acetaminophen, Tylenol, will help with the pain. Ice, to numbness, don't do 20 min on 20 min off. Take an ice cube run it over the effected area for 10-20 seconds then wipe off the wetness and repeat for 5-10 minutes, until the area is numb. Stay away from lifting heavy on it, but get movement to the joint, as much as possible, this will get blood flowing to the area, vital to recovery. If you can find someone who is experienced in Voodoo compression/flossing, get a few treatments with that! Hard to really treat you over the net, but if you can follow all that, be back to 100 in a week to 10 days

Yeah, I should have added that I was strongly leaning towards not filling the script after researching side effects and general accepted uses for prednisone. In fact the only advice I'll follow is avoiding or lowering weights on certain exercises. Thanks - You confirmed everything I was thinking. I am just going to use ice for the inflammation or swelling which she said not to even bother with it. lol. This is why I hate going to the doctor. Waste of time and money most of the time especially with the bad or conflicting information. Supposedly this doctor group sees many of the college and professional teams in the area and I was expecting more.
Update - So I got fed up with the pain and just filled the script. As I suspected it did not really help much. It seemed to slightly decrease the pain for a few days, but never relieved it. I have pretty much been out of the gym for the last 2.5 weeks and doing strictly cardio. The pain has gradually gotten worse and feels at least the same as before I started the meds. I feel like the strength in my right arm - grip and the ability to hold weight in front of me is drastically weaker. Not sure what to do at this point. Been using ice and NSAIDS/Tylenol, but they aren't helping much. Probably need to go back and get an MRI.
My Story

Be patient, here it goes. Started having pain in right elbow many many years ago. Over 20 years I tried ice massages, all the NSAIDS, and even chiropractor manipulation. When my elbow touched, or tapped, something it would hurt like it was on fire. Then one day I was doing some DB flat presses.nearing the end of my set I could feel the tricep tendon pop, actually I could hear the popping sound of it coming off the bone. Dropped the DB's and went to see my orthopedic who happened to be in the gym at the time. He put me in his car and took me to his office, just a block away. He shot me up with some strong pain killer. He then set up the surgery for 2 days later. He sure did. After the surgery he told me he re-attached my tricep tendon. He went on to say that it was only one more fiber/strand attached. He said all the strands of the tendon had been frayed off through the years. He had got them together and anchored them to the elbow with screws. Major ordeal. So I went thru rehab and wore a brace that straightened my arm over the weeks. Months later doing presses and light tricep work. Now? I am better than ever. No pain, no range of motion limitations and lifting heavy as my muscles will allow.
My suggestion would be to make sure your tricep tendon is all attached. For me it was those damn lying nose breakers with much too heavy weight. My mentality in my teens and into my twentys was, you know, go heavy or go home. Train hard but train smart.
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Be patient, here it goes. Started having pain in right elbow many many years ago. Over 20 years I tried ice massages, all the NSAIDS, and even chiropractor manipulation. When my elbow touched, or tapped, something it would hurt like it was on fire. Then one day I was doing some DB flat presses.nearing the end of my set I could feel the tricep tendon pop, actually I could hear the popping sound of it coming off the bone. Dropped the DB's and went to see my orthopedic who happened to be in the gym at the time. He put me in his car and took me to his office, just a block away. He shot me up with some strong pain killer. He then set up the surgery for 2 days later. He sure did. After the surgery he told me he re-attached my tricep tendon. He went on to say that it was only one more fiber/strand attached. He said all the strands of the tendon had been frayed off through the years. He had got them together and anchored them to the elbow with screws. Major ordeal. So I went thru rehab and wore a brace that straightened my arm over the weeks. Months later doing presses and light tricep work. Now? I am better than ever. No pain, no range of motion limitations and lifting heavy as my muscles will allow.
My suggestion would be to make sure your tricep tendon is all attached. For me it was those damn lying nose breakers with much too heavy weight. My mentality in my teens and into my twentys was, you know, go heavy or go home. Train hard but train smart.

Yeah, this is my fear of what might happen to me if I continue training. Basically just resting my arm/elbow against something for more than a minute causes some pain and numbness/tingling to run down my arm along the ulnar nerve. It's not a extremely sharp pain most of the time unless I pick something up that is heavier than say 5-10lbs and only if I pick it up certain way. Normally palm down and lifting upwards with my arm extended causes the sharp pain. The tendon on the inside of my right arm to my elbow feels like it sticks out a little more compared to the left arm. Not sure if it was always like this or not.