* EMERGENCY * : I need some fast help from everyone !!

If you ever disclose such info to a doc be adamant that he does not write that in your file-if he ever does something that is F'd up all kinds of agencies and officers will raid his files-you won't get arrested for this but so much for patient confidentiality. EVERYBODY likes to talk, especially those that view your files and have no obligation to patient confidentiality. As for the abcess, the hell with antibiotics. Shit crushes the immune system-find a doc that does Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation-it is a process where 180mls of blood is run through a photoluminescent device and exposes the blood to ultraviolet-c rays-then the blood is returned to the patient. This causes an immense immune response where the immune system is organized to destroy all pathogens whether they are viral,bacterial,fungal or cancerous. Especially effective if blood poisoning is a factor. it also nuetralizes organic toxins such as bee stings and snakebites. I have used it (and still do as a preventative)-it is the revolutionary therapy of the age. it was discovered in the 1920's and used with phenomenal success-then penicillin was discovered and pharmacueticals were supposed to stamp out all infectious disease-we know that is not so. Some docs are going back to how real medicine was practiced before the pharmacuetical industrial complex was born. Antibiotics decrease immunity,destroy intestinal flora, and create "superbugs" that are antibiotic resistant. I have extensive experience with UBI personally and have spoken with patients and practitioners in the US and Europe concerning UBI-it is the magic bullet my friends.
I have'nt been on this board much lately due to a new job but I don't think its odd injecting that much into your arm. I've done loads of times. Suspension hurt me the most in the bi's. Tri's were no problem. I could'nt straighten my arms out after useing suspension. I tried injecting after and before working out just to see if it made a difference but for me it did'nt. I've done chemist made suspension, eq, winstrol, ana-test and depo. Out of all the stuff suspension blew the tri's up and they've been there for three years. After injecting sometimes I had hot spots that were red that moved down my arm. I have no clue what it was but nothing happened-it did freak me out a bit though has anyone else experenced this? Could it be oil disperseing?
605pm said:
. Out of all the stuff suspension blew the tri's up and they've been there for three years. After injecting sometimes I had hot spots that were red that moved down my arm. I have no clue what it was but nothing happened-it did freak me out a bit though has anyone else experenced this? Could it be oil disperseing?
You won't have any oil with suspension because it is a water base-i had the same kind of phenomenon when i shot susp. in my glute. I don't have any idea what causes the irritation-i know my stuff was clean-Steris brand.