Endurance Athletes

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Any endurance athletes on here??????????

Into triathlons.

Whats your fav compund to use to increase recovery?
I would say EPO. Just ask Lance Armstrong. Normal people die from cancer. He just won La Tour De France for the 4th time. Must be great stuff.

I heard a lot of athletes use HGH as well.
Winnie is good but your BP and cholesterol will skyrocket.

I am exclusively an endurance athlete, but I do gear to keep from shrinking down to a stick. Some bros have the genes to get huge, some bros (like me) have the genes to climb huge mountains...

I would actually tell you to seriously consider a bulking cycle. You will have a hell of a lot more endurance with a larger muscle pack on your frame. Not huge, just an athletic build, which is what I have...I could not have had it without a bulking cycle....

After that, I would also reccomend Primobolan. Not too popular these days, but boy, it fights catabolism MUCH better than winnie. It is exceptionally gentle on your system. In fact, it is used to keep aids patients alive and promote tissue retention and regeneration in burn victims.

The downside is that it is expensive. Winnie will help you get your red blood cells up, but the effects are not long lasting, and it will harden your arteries.

Most bros here aren't like us, they're dedicated bodybuilders. Winstrol is the drug of choice for them. But for you, needing to survive long hard training sessions for months on end without breaking down, well--primobolan is your answer.

A lot of bros will bridge their cycles with Primo so they don't lose any gains--it is very mild. Some people have chosen to stay on primo for years on end, just doing 100-200mgs a week.

Just as we aren't able to put on huge slabs of muscle like genetically gifted bodybuilders--they can't make and maintain the same cardio gais we can. That is why they NEED winstrol--to increase their red blood cell count. The cardio that they do, even pre contest is nothing compared to what we do. Last year I spent 18 hours on my feet above 10,000 feet climbing a coastal volcano with an extra 35 lbs of shit on my body...Endurance atheletes are a different breed. Powerlifters don't run marathons. Triathletes don't win strongman comps.

So from one endurance athlete to another: Bulk up a little, just a little, and stay conditioned durign the bulking cycle...and when you go into training for Tri-A, I have one word for you: Primobolan!


Great Post.

I am a semi Tri guy. I have done several Olympic Distance Tri's this year (1 mile swim, 25 mile bike, 6 mile run) with plans of a 1/2 ironman in october.

I ran an EQ/Winny cycle in May and loved the results. Strength increased bigtime without getting too bulky to weigh me down too much to get across the line in the low 2 hour range. Have to eat tons of glucosamine to help out with the joint pain but that aint no big thing.

Gonna do a winny only cycle Aug 18 - Sept 28, 50mg EOD. I am not saying that this is the best thing, but it is my thing. RealCoolTime sounds like he knows whats up and has good advice.

Good luck training

winnie makes you feel good, but it kills the body.

Not good for endurance atheletes--it rasies bad cholesterol and hardens the arteries big time.

Short term gain.

Long term: it's like putting sugar in the gas tank of a ferrari.

good analogy. Primo kicks ass. It makes you feel natural and healthy. Sometimes at the end of a cycle I start to feel a little beat up. Im sure its just my psych but i think the juice takes its toll. but i never get that from primo
Hell, I take primo at the end of EVERY cycle just to get rid of that beat up feeling. It's a fountain-of-youth drug. You're right--you feel natual, healthy--you just make slow, steady, solid, healthy gains without ever getting a cold or flu.

Best of all: Any gains you get from primo, you keep, clomid or not.

Hey I have only tried the expensive human stuff. Has anyone tried the Ttokkyo primo plus 100? My guess is that it is underdosed and shitty, but I sure would like to be proven otherwise...

And how come no one does primo?

Ziggy Barley
CE you always spend the extra bucks and buy the best shit don't you? No mex vet stuff, schering TVD...

You truly are the next step in human evolution...

They're different drugs...although EQ, primo, and deca are all in the same class.

For making gains, eq is superior, mg for mg.
But primo is much gentler on the system. For example, 400 mg of EQ is roughly equal in potency to 500-550 mgs of primo. You would "feel" the EQ more. On primo, you just feel natural--well kinda like "super natural".

For anti-catabolic action, primo is superior. It holds your system together under both caloric deficiency and severe physiological stress, such as heavy training or illness.

Primo has the advantage of flexibility:

It can be used as a replacement for Deca or EQ in a bulking cycle, although those are slightly more potent.

However, where primo really shines is on a low-calorie dieting down phase, or for those who must endure gruelling, immune-system-trashing training for long peroids of time.

Personally I use it for a taper at the end of a cycle, or for endurance training. I cannot understand why any endurance athelete would do winnie, unless only for a few weeks before a contest to get red blood cell count up. Winnie is tough on the body.

Here's something you may want to look at. A book on how Primobolan is used to keep HIV+ people fit and alive:

Built to Survive

A Comprehensive Guide to the Medical Use of Anabolic Steroids, Nutrition and Exercise for HIV (+) Men and Women

by Michael Mooney and Nelson Vergel

Other steroids and supps are covered in this book too.

Hope that helps.
