Enlisted in the marines

The hardest part about training , is my sleep schedule.

The workouts are fine but the running which is my main concern , whenever I wake up since sleep schedules off running just doesnt seem like an option no matter how much i feel like pushing myself.

I think im going to have to stick to workout , and trying to get sleep schedule down , then build running ontop of that.

Cause when I sleep for a long time , yah I dont feel tired but I feel stiff and energy struck sort of and in a haze.
get some coffee and get out there and run lol. It should get easier once you get used to the schedule.
true , I dont drink coffee though. Only things I try to drink are water and only water.

Supplements I also try to avoid caffine suppleents things were taking for a duration you feel like shit when you dont take them.

After I get back on normal sleep schedule with 8 hours sleep every nite the running will be routine. But till then just running when I feel good enough too. Which im going to do a little later I just like running in the mornings thats what sucks today im going to have to do it mid day or slightly later.
I hate running in the mornings lol i like it when its good and warm outside i hate the cold air on my lungs. How much are you sleeping a night now?
right now im sleeping irratically , waking up irratic hours since im not waking up before everybody else. So i end up getting woke up early sometime and sometimes sleeping without somebody waking me up. So I need to start going to sleep and setting alarm to wake up before everybody else , probably getting up around 6am or 7am so less chance of ruining my sleep patterns.

I cant really give u specifics on my current sleep schedule tho since its all over the place

But yah I dont like running when its cold outside but summer is coming so that will change in mornings , plan on waking up grabbing food , getting ready for the run and doing it. Right now its cold in the mornings but I guess I can bare with it till summer come along be here soon. I dont like running in the heat and sun beating down on me either.