EO question


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just wondering something, more people have a bad reaction to EO than a positive one

the shit will eat the rubber stoppers in the tops of vials and in the syringes-wondering what it does to your muscle

so the question is, why the hell would anyone use it?
because they can suspend more gear in it and sell higher mg/ml to people who dont know shit

I get that-I get that it will lower the melting point of some products too

but damn that shit's nasty...from what I've read you can have a product of 300mg/mL without it how much higher do you need to go?

everything past that and it's just pain and test flu
yeah I'm all for a petition to Ban EO in all gear! You guys can start that shit right here!
you might be right Mightyjohn, and its my guess that EO would kill AIDS! lol
Question so I wanted to know how do u I know if I am allergic to TREN OR EO , I have been on it for 5 weeks and my injection site has swollen up 3 times now it's swells like a small canalope, it's tender the tenderness and swelling goes up to my lower back at times it's a little warm to the touch and just very uncomfortable and painful to sit. It's inly happened a couple times not every time. Any ideas or comments? I have a RN helping me with the injections so I know he's shooting in the correct upper quad of my cheek. So I just don't know why sometimes it swells and hurts and sometimes it doesn't. I am noticing tiny little hives on my arms but they aren't itchy too.

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Question so I wanted to know how do u I know if I am allergic to TREN OR EO , I have been on it for 5 weeks and my injection site has swollen up 3 times now it's swells like a small canalope, it's tender the tenderness and swelling goes up to my lower back at times it's a little warm to the touch and just very uncomfortable and painful to sit. It's inly happened a couple times not every time. Any ideas or comments? I have a RN helping me with the injections so I know he's shooting in the correct upper quad of my cheek. So I just don't know why sometimes it swells and hurts and sometimes it doesn't. I am noticing tiny little hives on my arms but they aren't itchy too.

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Its prolly the EO bro and welcome to mc
In my experience, yes, you can probably get a bit more gear into EO, but I would like to see a side-by-side comparison of holding capacity of another light oil (grapeseed, for example) and EO. At least grapeseed you know is plant-based and likely to be tolerated by the majority of people. After all, aside from peanut allergies, the reason peanut oil was used for *decades* for injectables was a) it held materials well, b) it was pretty cheap :P, c) it was absorbed well in the body. With the upswing in peanut allergies, I know many people have moved away from it. I'm not allergic, so find it a good old reliable base, sometimes with GSO to thin it. Even straight GSO is good for certain other products, though it is best to match the ester half-lives the the absorption rates so you don't have in-situ crystalization when the oil is absorbed prior to the ester completely breaking down.