
only reason i was gonna run 50 is ive personally known people that have ran it. He said he got better results at even 70 lol and im not running it that high. Others have just ramped up and they said they felt more steady gains at 50 so im just gonna stay at 50. Im not worried about keeping the gains. With a good pct my body usually keeps just about everything i gain with the exception of a little water :).
just curious what kind of cycle you running with the epistane ....just wondering so when you tell us some results i know what you were taking ..i might want to copy if gains are good..and what you planning to run pct at what doses and how long....thanks bro
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im running test prop 150 eod just started var at 60mg's ed running that for 6 weeks then gonna run the epistane the last 4. Pct will be clomid and nolva 100mg clomid for a week. 80 next then 50 and 50. Nolva at 60-40-20-20
soon my love very soon ;) tilla is running it right now started it on monday he should chime in later now that its bumped.
Yea bros on it right now, 2nd week. I'm running it with aqua burn, I finally got some because the reps here are awesome, I got all my stats and will post a thread when I'm finished with results. Right now strength is definatly up and I'm leaning out but I'm also on ab and my calories aren't that high. I'll be more in depth with you guys in a bout 4 weeks when I'm finished. Running it 40,40,40,50,50
Sounds like the running of the bulls.... lol ..I like what I read from all of you Get Swole it sounds liek you know exactly what your bodies will do and that is awesome man.. Generally it appears that between 40-60 will do the trick..
I am a member of the IBE forum page and results I have read there the last few months is nothing less the astonishing...

I believe Epistane to be a very credible supplement along with a solif diet, rest and hard training.
yeah im gonna start it next week tilla is running it right now havent talked to him in a few days. He likes it thus far though. It works so it will be gone in less then 5 months i predict so buy it while you can ;) lol.
I started taking it this week as well, nothing noticeable yet but it's going to be hard to tell since I'm already on test-e and var ;)
nice bro didnt know you went ahead and got some let me know. fuck it im gonna start taking it tomorrow lmao. :)
yeah I told you I was ordering it the day you sent me the link. I think it's working because I've been feeling great overall, good mood, positive attitude and my lifts really started making a jump this week and my body feels gooooood.
I am on my 3rd week. I noticed nothing the first 2 weeks, but pumps are great, and I am up 4 pounds. I eat clean and have done cycles before. I am running it solely and have been impressed by it I bought a ton for my customers, as I truely think it will be pulled once they test it more. Reminds me of a good dose of stan and m1t. No anger, no irritations however. I like it and would use it again.
I'm still only up in weight ever so slightly but I have been noticing an increased sense of well being and overall good moods lately. Not sure if it's because of the epistane but it certainly is nice to be in a good mood all the time :)

on another note my pre existing tiny little gyno lumps haven't gotten any smaller at all so so much for it reducing existing gyno. I knew it was too good to be true when they claimed that it did that because nothing short of surgery or lipdissolve is going to get rid of gyno once you have it
Get_Swole said:
yeah im gonna start it next week tilla is running it right now havent talked to him in a few days. He likes it thus far though. It works so it will be gone in less then 5 months i predict so buy it while you can ;) lol.
well i called this one and im quoting my own post haha its now off the shelves i believe just like superdrol Creatine is next buy in bulk lmao :)