
mikeswift said:
I never even finished my bottle because I wasn't noticing anything... maybe I'll try finishing them off now

lol, your one of those guys ay,lol
Im gonna throw a bottle in with the sustaplex, just for fun. A few monsters at my gym say its the best shit they ever used
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There are lots of supplement companies who have their own Epi products out there now. This is a solid oral that will give you dbol like effects, but without the bloat. Since this is a methylated oral, it should be run for no more than 4-6 weeks.
you mean its still on the shelves???? lol I ran it and had to stop because nips got sensitive and hell. Never had
any gyno probs before. Thanks for the anti-e Presser. working.
Its to keep long term sides at a minimum, of course the effects of the drug won't be as great. Instead of taking it everyday you take it say 3 to 4 times a weeks for a longer period of time. It all in the last big paragraph above.

Epi has a short half life like dbol. Therefore, you should dose it twice a day.
Havoc is not the only supplement company who sells epi. It's a hot item now, and a lot of supplement companies have it. Blackstone Labs has Epi/Tren out now. Also, check out Ironman Labs for their products.
bumping for warlord who just asked aout epistane comparisons to stanazolol, tbol steroids