EQ (and hunger)


New member
Knocked up a batch yesterday at 400/ml and did a ml shot just to test it for pain(nothing so far)......but ive been thirsty as hell today and real hungry,even 30 mins after a meal.

Never used EQ before.....could i get an effect off it from one shot...or is it all in my head.If its gonna have this kind of effect on me,i may have to adjust the dose in my next cycle.

Any views?
eq takes roughy 4-5 weeks to feel its main effects but highly doubt one shot would be felt..
irishpride said:
eq takes roughy 4-5 weeks to feel its main effects but highly doubt one shot would be felt..
ditto, but after those 4-5 weeks i get ravenous!
what dose do you guys usually run it at for it to take 4-5 weeks to take hold?.My bro frontloads it @800 and says its full flow by week 2.
It's called the placebo effect, if it works, go w/ it, but it won't kick in for at least 3 weeks, and IMO frontloading isa waste of time....

400mg/week is good for 1st run w/ EQ, I like 600 myself, w/ eq it's not really how much you use but how long....
donky said:
It's called the placebo effect, if it works, go w/ it, but it won't kick in for at least 3 weeks, and IMO frontloading isa waste of time....

400mg/week is good for 1st run w/ EQ, I like 600 myself, w/ eq it's not really how much you use but how long....

"Placebo effect?".......interesting!I never considered that.

And why do you think frontloading is a waste of time bro.?IMO its the most effective way of delivery possible.Please explain.
So-Solid said:
"And why do you think frontloading is a waste of time bro.?IMO its the most effective way of delivery possible.Please explain.

Bro thats not frontloading IMO. True frontloading is impossible with a long acting ester. The idea behind frontloading is to use a short ester to jumpstart the cycle before the long esters start to work. Basically a way for impatient people to see some results lol. Example would be using prop for 3-4 wks while using enanathate. You also want your hormone levels to stay constant, you wouldn't want a flucuation in your blood levels. Starting high and ramping down like that isn't as benifical as people think. Time on eq is an important factor, so why would you stay at a high dose for only a couple weeks when you know that eq is a slow builder? If you really want to do something grab some bold base or bold prop and use it for 3-4 wks.
o.k well i might try a short estered EQ in the future but i have to disagree a little with what you said about frontloading.
you say "its no use for long esters" and "why start out at a higher dose".Pure and simple....to attain peak blood concentrations faster.Whats the point in waiting 4/5/6 weeks fpr it to kick in when you could be there by week 2.The sooner you reach peak and stabilise....the sooner you start gaining imo.My cycle is gonna be 12-16 weeks so the distace is o.k, but id rather not waste half the cycle waiting for the EQ to work,when i could be gaining.An oral kickstarts not an option in this cycle,just injectables,i could use t-prop but i aint ready to do that many shots bro......im a pussy.lol

So my idea is 800mg week 1+2.......and thats my target(600mg) reached straight off.The following shots are all 300mg and blood levels remain constant for the rest of the cycle.agreed??
So-Solid said:
Pure and simple....to attain peak blood concentrations faster.Whats the point in waiting 4/5/6 weeks fpr it to kick in when you could be there by week 2.The sooner you reach peak and stabilise....the sooner you start gaining imo.

So my idea is 800mg week 1+2.......and thats my target(600mg) reached straight off.The following shots are all 300mg and blood levels remain constant for the rest of the cycle.agreed??

So, by adding more, you are thinking that it will get in your system faster???? The attached ester is what determines delivery time and not the amount present. The ester your using has like a 14 day half life. So in therory, in 14 days 1/2 the shot will be in swing in your system. By changing the amount you can control how much gets in, but you cannot change that 14 days waiting period of the ester. Thats why peolple use shorter esters like prop or bases to accomplish a quicker stablized level of the parent compound.
I hear ya bro.......we`re on the same wavelength....sort of.

Youre right about the "ester" delivery time...i dont dispute that.But by frontloading(or double dosing,whatever you wanna call it)i am getting a stable 600 mg much quicker than i would by just shooting 400/ wk.It would take me 7/8 weeks to acheive it if i did it that way,which is half my cycle over with,and that aint good is it.

if what i say is wrong,please put me straight.
you are right about getting to peak blood levels but it doesn't get into you system faster, if an AS takes 2 weeks to kick in then it's 2 weeks regarless of how much you inject. I just didn't notice enough of a difference to justify using extra, like I said before w/ deca and EQ it's the length of time not the the amount....just my .02