EQ and shivering ?

​But your insurance will find out. This can prevent you from being eligible for life insurance as well. Not a smart move IMO.

+1 he may not go tell your family or friends, but he WILL write it down in your file unless you have a cool doctor, and those records will follow you. I doubt very seriously that the doctor is going to run a hormone panel for an infection and if all other lipids, liver values etc are in the normal range and being monitored regularly from the patient the doctor may suspect gear use by looking at the individual but nothing will be confirmed. B12 shot, bug bite etc. all they need to know is you have an infection from something. You wont know what type of infection anyways so more information generally wont help that much anyways. Good luck, but since the redness is gone and the swelling is going down I'd say you probably got through the worst of it, I would avoid that site for at least 2 more weeks and let it heal completely.

If you it persists for any longer it might be a good idea to still go in to an urgent care or something just to have it looked at. Costs less then 100 bucks generally even without insurance and they can still prescribe something broad spectrum just in case.

If the information of you running gear goes in your file, are we wrong assuming your health insurance provider has access to that information? I am asking to learn I do not work in the health field, so it would be nice to know. I wouldn't think the life insurance might be not 100% but I assume anything in that file is fair game to all insurance companies?
What u talk about with your doc is confidential. You are billed for testing/treatment, not for the intimacy of the conversation between doc and patient. It goes off of codes, and they don't have a code for bad gear treatment, lol.

I can see ppl thinking that way tho.

It's always best to be completely open with your doc. They really don't care. And if they do tell ppl u can sue the fuk outta them for hippa violations.
What u talk about with your doc is confidential. You are billed for testing/treatment, not for the intimacy of the conversation between doc and patient. It goes off of codes, and they don't have a code for bad gear treatment, lol.

I can see ppl thinking that way tho.

It's always best to be completely open with your doc. They really don't care. And if they do tell ppl u can sue the fuk outta them for hippa violations.

That does make sense since they hire people to transfer data in codings etc to insurance companies. So much broscience about it and whether or not its listed in there. Good to know thanks bro. Hopefully I wont need to use that info anytime soon Knock on wood.

Plus if I ever did I would just tell the doctor I have a health degree, and am running HRT doses since my insurance wont cover it etc. most probably wouldn't frown on that if you told them your test levels were in the 200's etc. since they know normal test levels are more important health wise then low.
What u talk about with your doc is confidential. You are billed for testing/treatment, not for the intimacy of the conversation between doc and patient. It goes off of codes, and they don't have a code for bad gear treatment, lol.

I can see ppl thinking that way tho.

It's always best to be completely open with your doc. They really don't care. And if they do tell ppl u can sue the fuk outta them for hippa violations.
Health system is totally fucked up here in canada its Gov and one of my buddy had trouble with using AAS the dr treated him and later medical system billed him for 10000 $ and one of my known guy was in emergency after using massive tren dose and he told the truth and he was treated with no charge , I think it all depends on the DR over here in canada, thanks bro
What u talk about with your doc is confidential. You are billed for testing/treatment, not for the intimacy of the conversation between doc and patient. It goes off of codes, and they don't have a code for bad gear treatment, lol.

I can see ppl thinking that way tho.

It's always best to be completely open with your doc. They really don't care. And if they do tell ppl u can sue the fuk outta them for hippa violations.

gonna have to disagree here, I went to the doctor for an abscess and that fucker put steroid abuse, tobacco abuse, alcohol abuse, on my medical record-never asked me what or how much I was using of anything

that record was submitted to my insurance company-how do I know this? The insurance company told me...I took the doctors advice-if you don't like what I have to say, there's the door you can fire me-so I did

do a search of my post called LIE TO YOUR DOCTOR
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gonna have to disagree here, I went to the doctor for an abscess and that fucker put steroid abuse, tobacco abuse, alcohol abuse, on my medical record-never asked me what or how much I was using of anything

that record was submitted to my insurance company-how do I know this? The insurance company told me...I took the doctors advice-if you don't like what I have to say, there's the door you can fire me-so I did

do a search of my post called LIE TO YOUR DOCTOR
100% right it all depends on the DR to fuck u or save u
BTW the same doctors office was shut down a year later for handing out prescriptions for diet pills like candy
First thanks to all you for ur valuable advice. I did the second shot yesterday of test E and EQ in same syringe in glute and its 24 hrs now no discomfort , no pain , dont even feel the shot and did Test P in thigh with no issues at all ,so I think the first one was a bad shot still got little swelling from that one but all good now once again thank u guys.

gonna have to disagree here, I went to the doctor for an abscess and that fucker put steroid abuse, tobacco abuse, alcohol abuse, on my medical record-never asked me what or how much I was using of anything

that record was submitted to my insurance company-how do I know this? The insurance company told me...I took the doctors advice-if you don't like what I have to say, there's the door you can fire me-so I did

do a search of my post called LIE TO YOUR DOCTOR

I remember that post brutha! fuck!
"Test Flu," maybe.
That's a bro science term, obviously, but it's a real thing. Hitting one's system with what is a massive amount of hormones compared to what our bodies release endogenously is a big shock to the system. I got it from front loading EQ. It went away in 3 or 4 days.
I hope that happens for you too.
Also, it's not a problem after I get used to it.
First thanks to all you for ur valuable advice. I did the second shot yesterday of test E and EQ in same syringe in glute and its 24 hrs now no discomfort , no pain , dont even feel the shot and did Test P in thigh with no issues at all ,so I think the first one was a bad shot still got little swelling from that one but all good now once again thank u guys.


how ya doing today brutha? hope ur doing well
I wanted to check in on this post and see how your doing bro? Hows the injections coming along, anymore issues?
Secondly I agree with what everyone is saying about insurance and the Dr. The Dr is bound by confidentiality however your insurance carrier has the right to know because they provide the insurance for you. the only real record is in the Dr's dictation. The insurance company can raise your rates, drop you or not pay your full bill. They have that right, however I have told my Doc before exactly what happened , he gave me antibiotics and coded it/labeled is as infection from puncture wound and that was that.
You can purchase antibiotics outside of the hospital and Presser did a post on ones that work to (fishy fishy).
Test will almost always give the "test flu" if your a new user or haven't used in a while, test prop does that to me but never EQ.

You can lie to your Dr but it wont help, if you abusing coke, meth or something like that you may be in trouble but steroids no, especially if you say " I was just gonna try Hrt because my libido is gone and now i have an infection, stupid idea" they will help you with no issues.
I wanted to check in on this post and see how your doing bro? Hows the injections coming along, anymore issues?
Secondly I agree with what everyone is saying about insurance and the Dr. The Dr is bound by confidentiality however your insurance carrier has the right to know because they provide the insurance for you. the only real record is in the Dr's dictation. The insurance company can raise your rates, drop you or not pay your full bill. They have that right, however I have told my Doc before exactly what happened , he gave me antibiotics and coded it/labeled is as infection from puncture wound and that was that.
You can purchase antibiotics outside of the hospital and Presser did a post on ones that work to (fishy fishy).
Test will almost always give the "test flu" if your a new user or haven't used in a while, test prop does that to me but never EQ.

You can lie to your Dr but it wont help, if you abusing coke, meth or something like that you may be in trouble but steroids no, especially if you say " I was just gonna try Hrt because my libido is gone and now i have an infection, stupid idea" they will help you with no issues.

Thanks for ur valuable input bro ,Test E and EQ shots are doing very gud with 0 issue but test prop is killing me , I do it in thighs but planning to drop test p as its even stopping me to go to work , will stick to jus test e and EQ
Your welcome, yeah test P isn't for everyone. I prefer it over test E or C. Glad your doing good, wait till the EQ kicks in and no matter how much and what you eat your still hungry bro..lol
Damn I love EQ lol
Thanks for ur valuable input bro ,Test E and EQ shots are doing very gud with 0 issue but test prop is killing me , I do it in thighs but planning to drop test p as its even stopping me to go to work , will stick to jus test e and EQ
prop in thighs would hurt me as well, I stick to delts, and gluts/ventroglutes for prop. I steer clear of quads anyways just because of the number of nerves in there.

Another thought, is the test Prop made with Ethyl oliate? A lot of people have reactions to that oil which can cause terrible pain and some swelling at the injection site, may be worth asking your source.
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prop in thighs would hurt me as well, I stick to delts, and gluts/ventroglutes for prop. I steer clear of quads anyways just because of the number of nerves in there.

Another thought, is the test Prop made with Ethyl oliate? A lot of people have reactions to that oil which can cause terrible pain and some swelling at the injection site, may be worth asking your source.
No bro its Grapeseed oil and I will try it in vent glute and see if it makes difference but I did my first test p shot mixed with 1 ml of EQ in the glute and gave me infection like feeling, thanks bro
prop in thighs would hurt me as well, I stick to delts, and gluts/ventroglutes for prop. I steer clear of quads anyways just because of the number of nerves in there.

Another thought, is the test Prop made with Ethyl oliate? A lot of people have reactions to that oil which can cause terrible pain and some swelling at the injection site, may be worth asking your source.

I use to have the same problem with the quads I found that if I go high they aren't that bad. Put your palm on your hip with an open hand and where the fingers land is about where to inject