Eq ??

I always have EQ on hand. I brew it at 250mg/ml. My sweet spot is 600 mg/wk. I used to run it solo during bridges. Just make sure you donate blood every 60 days to keep RBC count in line.

really? How was it solo bro???
Running EQ solo for a month or two works out good for me. Maintains vacularity and with the good anabolic properties it has, I didn't lose any strength or size.
Running EQ solo for a month or two works out good for me. Maintains vacularity and with the good anabolic properties it has, I didn't lose any strength or size.

Did it fuck with sex drive, and also what (if any) are negative sides of this, please let e know as I may start this like now-ish
Eq is one of the best anabics guys. Grows your muscle from the outside in. For me it makes my skin look flawless, and I have a slight tan with out hitting the booth.

My apitite increases. You can stay on eq for a good six months. 800-1000mg/week. You can use it as a base instead of test. You can cut on it bulk on it. It will build your shoulders out/cap um out. Eq is awsome

Word up.. I like it and run the shit out of it for long periods of time. High mg is a must for me but around 1g is gtg.
Did it fuck with sex drive, and also what (if any) are negative sides of this, please let e know as I may start this like now-ish

It doesn't mess with my sex drive, some guys say it does. If it does, the little bit of test will help that. Test prop. Or dostinex

- - - Updated - - -

Word up.. I like it and run the shit out of it for long periods of time. High mg is a must for me but around 1g is gtg.

Same I just started again and will run it for 6 months
I once ran it at 800mg/wk for 20 weeks and felt like a monster after the cycle. I also ran Masteron at the end of the cycle and looked chiseled too
Masterone eq tren primo test= king of all gear those 5 are

all the other stuff just touch up stuff, lipstick and ruge
That's my favorite compound, i'm on it right now at 400mg p/w (i'm using Boldoject from EC) :-)
Peak level in blood is reached in 3-4 days after injection.
From what i've heard people get different response from it, some need 400mg weekly and some 1000mg, but still it is very comfortable compound to use.
I also use it instead of Test, cause it is 50% androgenicity of Test and 100% anabolic, also low estrogenic, but you can still bulk up on it especially with D-bol combo. Great appetite and feeling good, no sides at all.

I just started my 400mg a week that I got from MD. I don't think I've ever done more than 400mg a week of EQ and my results have always been great. it is by far and away my fav anabolic. after reading some of the posts here I think I might amp it up a bit next time.

Exactly what I'm looking for. I'll be hitting you up soon MD.....;)

I'll say it again because I think it's worth it. EQ is my favorite. I feel like I can just go and go and go and go some more. sure I'll wear out on a set but I'm ready almost instantly and a lot of times the only reason I'll stop training is because I don't want to over do it and hurt myself.
I'm wanting to know with just a EQ cycle if it's worth it.
Like it should allow some receptors to open while off test right?
I have never done just EQ but I'm really interested just not if it's going to keep all my receptors burnt out ya know?
I've never done anything without a little test just to be sure.

"thanks for the useless post bobby(me)". yeah well it's to late now so I'm just going to ramble on about nothing.....
I've never done anything without a little test just to be sure.

"thanks for the useless post bobby(me)". yeah well it's to late now so I'm just going to ramble on about nothing.....

huh? are u talking to yourself or am i missing something