Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) "Anabolic Steroid"

i was a on a board a few years ago and a bunch of members decided it would be a great idea to front load Eq. Apparently they couldn't wait for the drug to "kick in". Don't recall the exact dose but hback then they were getting their stuff from a new supplier that made things pretty potent, as in not watered down. I think they were front loading 1.5 grams and running a gram a week. Well most of them, like i think 4 members over a few months time complained of anxiety, high BP, lethargy. I think one guy had to give blood a few times between a Red Cross and another place so he could give more than once in 8 weeks. If it's legit and you are not someone that has been using and using and hence has had to up the does a lot, and the Eq is real, i wouls suggest starting out on the lower end and going from there after evaluating acter 3 weeks. Eq does not take m ore than2-3 weeks to "kicj in". It is a long ester but that just means it goes in slower but it still starts going in the minute you inject it just like every other oil. If you don't believe me do a little experiment. In the middle of a cycle say 500 mg test and 400 mg deca. At week 5 inject 600 mg of Equipoise. You will be surprised but 3 days later you will look in the mirror like you put on 10 lbs in 3 days. If it doesn't work then it's under dosed or you have been abusing so long that your tolerance has gone out of control and you are pissing away your AAS.
Every morning like clockwork after a decent 3-4 hours sleep, I pee like once every hour like 4-5 hours in a row untill I wake up. I sit there on the toilet smelling this funny smell from this dark yellow pee thinking like..."Man I'm just pissing all my aas right down the toilet wtf?"
I've never heard of eq working like that and I can tell you from having eq as a staple in my list I've never seen eq work fast with any combination.
I've never heard of eq working like that and I can tell you from having eq as a staple in my list I've never seen eq work fast with any combination.
Then I am an alien and so are a bunch of my friends. Or maybe you are using high dosages?
Then I am an alien and so are a bunch of my friends. Or maybe you are using high dosages?

Hey glycoman, I've been thinking of adding in EQ this winter. I'd like to gain a "keepable" 10-12lbs. What kind of dose would you start with seeing as I've never used EQ?

Thanks, Austin
Hey glycoman, I've been thinking of adding in EQ this winter. I'd like to gain a "keepable" 10-12lbs. What kind of dose would you start with seeing as I've never used EQ?

Thanks, Austin
Dose depends on you Austin. go to your past and base it on what doses worked for you in the past. if you take time off your sentitivity goes up and you need less. If ylou are a blast and cruise guy your sensitivity/tolerence shifts to higher doses. My doses are on the low end because I take breaks and keep tolerance down plus I like feeling athletic rather than packed full like a sausage. don't forget I'm in my 50s so things are a little different. In general maybe base it on what is effective dose for other compounds you use like test and deca. +/- 25% of what is effective for them will get you in the ballpark.
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Dose depends on you Austin. go to your past and base it on what doses worked for you in the past. if you take time off your sentitivity goes up and you need less. If ylou are a blast and cruise guy your sensitivity/tolerence shifts to higher doses. My doses are on the low end because I take breaks and keep tolerance down plus I like feeling athletic rather than packed full like a sausage. don't forget I'm in my 50s so things are a little different. In general maybe base it on what is effective dose for other compounds you use like test and deca. +/- 25% of what is effective for them will get you in the ballpark.

Thanks buddy. I know your knowledge base. lol. I will consider 600mg a week. Still looking at a few things. Plus, I'm about run some Anadrol for a few weeks. I don't like the bloated sausage either. I'm addicted to this lean look I got now.... ;)
So after reading this thread, I decided to jump in and add 1,000mg/week of EQ to my current regime. Just finished week one...no set duration in mind, just gonna monitor my results and let that dictate things a bit. Anyone else on here taken the plunge with EQ after reading this post? Curious if there is any additional feedback from the 1g+ club out there?
I was running it at about 2 grams for about a month. It hit my hair pretty hard so I backed off. Took a week off of pinning to get blood levels down. I noticed how much anxiety comes into play after pinning with this stuff too after that break. I don't think I would go much higher than 1.5g in the future. I would need some time to do some hairline precautions. I've been runnin high EQ and low test. I think since I've lowered the EQ I am going to raise the test. I haven't used an AI in about 5 weeks.
great informative thread so far. I ran it in conjunction with test at 500mg' test at 750, I noticed increase hunger but thats a normal side for me when on anything just about. Never ran any high dosages, I did notice more vasularity as I was actually at a pretty decent BF% at the time and it was a little easier to keep the extra unwanted weight on. I might run some more next year for a cutter, just getting back into the swing of things I wont be ready for anything for a while, and that will be Test only cant wait hehe.
just to give my input, I have ran EQ a couple of times in the past with test-the idea was to increase my appetite, didn't work

what it did do was make me veiny as hell-if I would have ran that with IGF I can only imagine what that would have been like
So after reading this thread, I decided to jump in and add 1,000mg/week of EQ to my current regime. Just finished week one...no set duration in mind, just gonna monitor my results and let that dictate things a bit. Anyone else on here taken the plunge with EQ after reading this post? Curious if there is any additional feedback from the 1g+ club out there?

Ya brotha! Let us know how that dose is treating you in a few weeks!
just to give my input, I have ran EQ a couple of times in the past with test-the idea was to increase my appetite, didn't work

what it did do was make me veiny as hell-if I would have ran that with IGF I can only imagine what that would have been like

EQ only? amount and duration?