EveryOne Pray For MadChemist!!!!


New member
all u guys know madchemist has gone through a lot of shit in the past three months. i havent trained havent dieted havent juiced when i finally got my juice i fucked up my ribbcage and chest. and plus i was and still in pain from the fucking filling in my teeth was leaking and now i need a god damn root canal hopefully i will get it this week so i can start my juice all over this monday. I am in pain even at this time. but my doc gave me some vicodin it helped a little but not a lot. so i cannot wait to get my root canal done so i could be back.

I know all u brother care for this young brother here. So please pray to god i dont care what religion u are that i become a ripped monster and nothing comes my way during the cycle or later in life.

THANX A LOT BROS i really appreciate it.
Don't worry bout anything Mad...you know I got Ur back and thoughts/prayers are always behind U! Make us proud bro, keep us posted.
THANX a lot bros, when i win my first competition and make my speech i will definilty have to say thanx to my bro at MC
Gotta train like never before. Been out for awhile, so give everything you got and you'll be back in no time. God bless, and good luck bro!
Bro, remember I recommended that you take your antibiotics before and you said that you stopped after a few days so that the bugs wouldnt have a chance to get used to the med...
Well stopping short of a dose run IS exactly how they get used to them. If you take your full course (about 7-10 days dep on the med) you'll kill 99.9% of the bugs and your body will easily kill the rest. If you stop short, you'll kill some, feel better, and like all the dingbats with faces swollen like cantelopes sitting in the damn ER with a bag of ice on their face, you WILL get a relapse of the very painful kind. Also, if your tooth is hot (its infected) the doc CANNOT get it numb easily. Thats why you see so many people complain about root canals. The dumbasses dont take their antibiotics, get severe infection then go to get the dental work while the infection is still present. They cant get numb, and it hurts like hell.
Sorry, just venting. I just read your reply today, then your other post with god help me this and that. Just wanted to make sure you avoid a very serious black cloud. Finish you antibiotics all the way, and if you are still in any pain the day before the root canal , call the doc to see if you should reschedule until the infection is gone.
Good luck. It sucks sometimes when you get down, but it feels so good when you grow. Keep your head up.