everyone welcome our newest site rep

mikeswift said:
you got it Presser...

and let me now add IrishPride to the list of great guys on this site
thanks alot bud..that means alot comin from a stand up bro like you..

mikeswift said:
Congrats on the new gig and let me take this opportunity to say this board is an educational powerhouse and a great team of guys, I've been around for awhile but only started posting more recently... Bro's like Presser and LordOdin are great guys and great resources. Keep up the great board!

Well it is definitely people like you that make this bodybuilding lifestyle worth the time and dedication all of our reps put into it. You, the members, are what make this board great and I would like to simply say, "Thank You for working with me and helping us to learn and grow from each other." All you members are great!!!

Stay True to the Iron!!!
yeah well my name is still cooler even if he is a damn rep......(definately a great addition to the team...nice pick press....congrats josh)