Exercised Induced Asthma


Never have had it but I do now. I have zero wind when say doing squats or trying to even slow jog on a treadmill. I can't afford a dr for albuterol inhaler i think I was told. Is there anything OTC that works . Primetine mist was discontinued cause it was depleating the ozone from it's propellant. Any suggestions. It's almost like pneumonia but it's not.
How did you find out about this? Is this a self diagnosis through the internet, or do you have a nurse friend or something? Have you tried asking the pharmacist if there are any OTC inhalers available?
If you have no luck, i can get you an inhaler from a friend that has bad asthma. Be careful though, i dont want to give you something that makes it worse. Or give you something that you have to depend on, know what i mean?
Never have had it but I do now. I have zero wind when say doing squats or trying to even slow jog on a treadmill. I can't afford a dr for albuterol inhaler i think I was told. Is there anything OTC that works . Primetine mist was discontinued cause it was depleating the ozone from it's propellant. Any suggestions. It's almost like pneumonia but it's not.

Primatine mist is still in our Pharmacys here in Jersey bro, I can send ya some if ya want? I would also start taking The Primatine Ephedrine hcl if i were you! Its NOT the cheesy Ephedrine sulfate, its actually the good HCl Ephedrine, and we have that here to in Jersey, we just need to show I.D to buy it, but you might be well suited to try ephedrine hcl brutha, with an asperin and caffiene
I used to have asthma pretty bad and stuff like ephedrine help, but when having an asthma attack only albuterol really helped me immediately. You know clenbuterol is part of the same family of medicine as albuterol except its taken orally. I'm not sure what the dose would be for asthma but its probably an extremely small amount like 10mcg. Otherwise you can probably go to a low cost clinic and get a generic albuterol inhaler for about 30 bucks I think.