F***ing Hypocrits


National Strongman Competitor
Makes me sick.

I just finished watching a 2 minute advertisement for Testosterone Therapy during the NBC National News...

The fact of the matter is that 90% or more of the American public does not know, that this is a steroid.

They use the phrase "low T" so people don't catch on.

Buy it from a pharmaceutical company and "you are the man you want to be"...

Buy it elsewhere and you face Prison time and Felony Conviction, plus you are a villain for using it...

I also heard that Testosterone sales in the United States were over $1 Billion Dollars last year, and now they are trying to broaden the market, Senators and the U.S gov't constantly use Doctors and "experts" to say how bad it is for you...but yet it is not promoted on the National level, and what population watches the news? Generally an older population.

What would happen if the general public knew this was an "anabolic steroid"..if the media presented it for it's positives?
I have been saying that for awhile. lol THEY MAKE SURE THEY DONT SAY STERIODS!!! I am thinking they probably
use HGH also. It makes me laugh and want to throw up at the same time. Your Post title says it all.
Yeah, I see that stupid commercial about the gel. Now though did you pay attention toward the end where they recite the side? Holy fuck, it was the longest list I've ever heard. My wife looked at me and asked if those are sides and I said hell no.
Makes me sick.

I just finished watching a 2 minute advertisement for Testosterone Therapy during the NBC National News...

The fact of the matter is that 90% or more of the American public does not know, that this is a steroid.

They use the phrase "low T" so people don't catch on.

Buy it from a pharmaceutical company and "you are the man you want to be"...

Buy it elsewhere and you face Prison time and Felony Conviction, plus you are a villain for using it...

I also heard that Testosterone sales in the United States were over $1 Billion Dollars last year, and now they are trying to broaden the market, Senators and the U.S gov't constantly use Doctors and "experts" to say how bad it is for you...but yet it is not promoted on the National level, and what population watches the news? Generally an older population.

What would happen if the general public knew this was an "anabolic steroid"..if the media presented it for it's positives?

Bro, I guarantee you those old fart producers and news anchors are on HrT themselves.
Well exactly...I wouldn't be upset but the way that they have looked down upon AAS,demonized it, sold people on "roid rage",people that use are villains, imprisonated and criminalized people for just possession and then they have the audacity to allow it (which it should have always been) and then they try to minimize it with clever tv gimmicks in order to sell it..

Makes me sick. Just like the whole MJ issue. They have imprisoned people for years for it, condemned it for half a century, but now as it is becoming more and more legal, people actually see that it has many positives and isn't what they have portrayed it to be.
I was pretty surprised they have been marketing androgel as much as they have given all the steroid related crap in the news, but it just shows the general naivety or stupidity of the public and how Big Pharmaceuticals use advertising and marketing to hide what they are selling in plain sight. Most people are stupid and don't understand that Androgel is a steroid - the same one that professional athletes destroy their careers over, the same one that can send the local gym rat to jail or prision in some cases, the same one that "caused" young Johnny Dumbass to act like a fool or display a fit of rage.
But the doctors know what it is, lol I was at the doctor last week and he looked at me and said
" your still on steroids right " ? .... My kid was in the room I was pissed .... I looked at him with a eat shit look...
^^ What an ass putting it out there in front of your kid...

Speaking of Doctors, back when I was on quite a bit of AAS, I had to meet this new doctor and I knew my last BW was going to be high, my original doctor was away for a few months, so I had to have this new guy come in and review me...Maybe 60 years old....

Turned out to be the coolest guy ever, he said, I see you have been using "creatine" for sometime, he laughed and smiled.

He asked me if I knew my liver enzymes were elevated, so I said yes, its all that creatine. He said fair enough, charted that I should reduce my creatine intake..I saw it, and then he said drink some extra water and just be careful.

Wanted to keep him as my primary unfortunately he retired a few months later.
But the doctors know what it is, lol I was at the doctor last week and he looked at me and said
" your still on steroids right " ? .... My kid was in the room I was pissed .... I looked at him with a eat shit look...

WOW! That's unacceptable behavior for a doctor!
It's funny how people let the Government deccide what is ethical and moral behavior. Politicians are the most unethical and immoral bastards alive!
I'd honestly contemplate calling the board of medicine for discussing that in front of your kid although I'm not sure what could be said if they were in the exam room with you
Makes me sick.

I just finished watching a 2 minute advertisement for Testosterone Therapy during the NBC National News...

The fact of the matter is that 90% or more of the American public does not know, that this is a steroid.

They use the phrase "low T" so people don't catch on.

Buy it from a pharmaceutical company and "you are the man you want to be"...

Buy it elsewhere and you face Prison time and Felony Conviction, plus you are a villain for using it...

I also heard that Testosterone sales in the United States were over $1 Billion Dollars last year, and now they are trying to broaden the market, Senators and the U.S gov't constantly use Doctors and "experts" to say how bad it is for you...but yet it is not promoted on the National level, and what population watches the news? Generally an older population.

What would happen if the general public knew this was an "anabolic steroid"..if the media presented it for it's positives?

yep! lol
^^ What an ass putting it out there in front of your kid...

Speaking of Doctors, back when I was on quite a bit of AAS, I had to meet this new doctor and I knew my last BW was going to be high, my original doctor was away for a few months, so I had to have this new guy come in and review me...Maybe 60 years old....

Turned out to be the coolest guy ever, he said, I see you have been using "creatine" for sometime, he laughed and smiled.

He asked me if I knew my liver enzymes were elevated, so I said yes, its all that creatine. He said fair enough, charted that I should reduce my creatine intake..I saw it, and then he said drink some extra water and just be careful.

Wanted to keep him as my primary unfortunately he retired a few months later.

ha, that must have been a nice piece of mind to be relaxed and not stress over their reaction. I have bw I have to take care of tomorrow morning. Kind of nervous of what the doctor may notice. I figured if anything I'd just say it's the tylenol that's effecting my liver and all the Muscle Tech TBoosters.
In response to someone claiming that steroids are "mind-altering drugs" I posted this elsewhere and thought I would put it up here:

Mind altering drugs vs. drugs that can potentially alter you mind are different. Yes there are countless studies about AAS that show that they can "alter" your mind. EQ, winny, and deca can strip gaba from your brain. Strong androgens can produce aggression, anger, or compulsiveness. There are sides from high or low estrogen on cycle or coming off that effect the brain. Dopamine agonists used to counteract progesterone drugs can downregulate dopamine receptors in your brain. Studies have also shown that suprapsychological doses of testosterone can make you more defensive and hostile than you "should" be. The list goes on and on, but in all of these examples, the effects are side effects and manifest on an individual basis. Hell, too much caffeine can cause anxiety and can change brain chemistry, but we don't call caffeine a mind altering drug. Mind alterning drugs are drugs that directly affect brain chemistry. I don't know anyone who could use DMT or cocaine and not have some sort of mind altering effect. But I know plenty of people who use EQ and don't have anxiety, use tren and don't get mad and make poor decisions, and use dostinex who don't feel terrible when they stop from downregulated dopamine receptors. The point is yes steroids can have brain chemistry side effects, but so can eating fast food and junk every day like many Americans do. The worst (and most unhealthy according to blood work) I ever felt in my entire life was when I became insulin resistant from bulking too much when I was natty. When I started test shortly after that and lost considerable bf, my bloodwork improved dramatically. I was still in range before, but I had improved a lot because I was no longer resistant and thus no longer having anxiety and I also had much better concentration and focus. Oh and I put on 15 lbs and lost 3% bf in only a couple months. Those were the only sides. Everyone around me said I was more pleasant to be around and I personally became happier because I had found a way to simplify my life. Prior to that, I had reached a point where I could no longer gain naturally. I could no longer gain mass without getting in to the 20% bf range and I could not even socialize or date because I had to eat my damn chicken and brown rice every 2 hours. steroids stopped all that. steroids allowed me to be more efficient metabolically and work harder. They allowed me to keep progressing in lifting and also maintain a balanced lifestyle. People will always abuse steroids just like people abuse food or alcohol. But in society today, people who drink a lot are cool and we are sympathetic to people who are fat because 'it's not their fault.' But if you take steroids and (as Wes pointed out HRT is a steroid) even as little as essentially doubling your HRT dose, you are an asshole, fellon who is risking their life because your organs could fail and risking the lives of others because you could get in a fit of 'roid rage.' In reality for most people, you are simply taking something that will allow you to keep doing the thing you love and in fact allow you to work harder - to eat more, train harder and more frequently, and to have more to maintain. This side of the story is rarely told. But calling steroids a "mind-altering" drug is the exact demonization of steroids that the government wants and it cannot be tolerated.
the reason they pimp the crap out of the androgel now and keep that its a steroid (o no) is because it's the new cash cow. its like viagra to alot of older people but you get more than a one time hard on from it.
Yea, I was shocked when the doctor told him that... Offensive, and rude!!

- - - Updated - - -

Yea that was crappy of my doctor, sorry babe... What's funny is it isn't "steroids" but doctors will stereotype these things, idk why....