Family Support


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Dose your family support your life style of bodybuilding and the shit that you go throw to try and get there .. For me family don't understand and don't care... I think my wife is one of the best haters of them all. And she always say I know your up to something but she dosen't want to know.. But she is coming around .. We will see how it gose for the rest of the year because if I get to my goal I want to try and do my 1st show next year. Then I will see how be of a hater she really she is ... This is why the MC is the best site on the net because you will always have all the support you need !'n
My wife is 110% supportive as long as I'm careful. My parents are also supportive, but not like my wife.
My woman is a big time hater. Her folks, however, are on her case to eat better and get more excersize. My folks are supportive when the subject comes up. My coworkers, if they can be considered family in an extended way, are supportive and are also picking up good eating/activity habits.
My girl hates that I wanna be big, she likes small guys. I'm only roughly 165 and she thinks I'm too big, she'd rather me be 140 ripped. If you have ever seen the movie Never Back Down, she loves the blond dude in that movie, she wants me to look like him which is ripped with basically no muscle on him. My parents hate when I'm on my diet because they say they feel sorry for me because I always look miserable and the food smells and looks awful and they can't see how I can do that to myself. So I get little to no support in the lifestyle, but they know it's what I like to do so they want to see me do well, they just hate what it entails to get there
Dose your family support your life style of bodybuilding and the shit that you go throw to try and get there .. For me family don't understand and don't care... I think my wife is one of the best haters of them all. And she always say I know your up to something but she dosen't want to know.. But she is coming around .. We will see how it gose for the rest of the year because if I get to my goal I want to try and do my 1st show next year. Then I will see how be of a hater she really she is ... This is why the MC is the best site on the net because you will always have all the support you need !'n

Brutha the wife will come around, my wife was the same way maybe a bit worst. The inlaws kept feeding bullshit into her head. But as time went on she seen the dedication and hard work and also that I devoted my life to this. So she started enjoying my gains the friends, lifestyles, and etc that involves bodybuilding. She has gotten more involved and trying to act like my manger lol. But in the end brutha no one will understand this lifestyle better than ur self and people involved in the sport. So got to agree about MC being the best site there's alot of positive thoughts and support here.
my girl and my parents hate the shit i do its crazy because i used to use/sell street drugs, in and out of jail, then i give it up and havent even drank for over six years. instead i lift and they just hate it but i now am being lean(er) and my face isnt puffy so they are being a LITTLE cooler.
my family and my ol'lady support me 110% as well. all my friend support me and poeple at work. only thing they dont support is me eating all there food when i go over. stingy sons a bitchs......i always barbeque for them.
my family and my ol'lady support me 110% as well. all my friend support me and poeple at work. only thing they dont support is me eating all there food when i go over. stingy sons a bitchs......i always barbeque for them.

I know what you mean brutha, every time I go to see family or friends they avoid talking about food or they try to hide it cause they hate that I eat so much lol.
my family and my ol'lady support me 110% as well. all my friend support me and poeple at work. only thing they dont support is me eating all there food when i go over. stingy sons a bitchs......i always barbeque for them.

Well, just pack a cooler full of food and you're good to go maybe they'll invite you over more often