Favorite meal?

little big guy

New member
I'm sitting at work dreaming of a medium rare filet mignon with potatoes asparagus and a red ale...mmmmmmmmmmmbeer.
Whats eveyone elses favorite meal?
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little big guy said:
"Funions man funions"

Sh*t I just ate a big bag the other day. Those little rings are soo scrumptious, but still not Rocky Road. I'm like Sloth from the Goonies when it comes to Rocky Road.
nah just playing-I just need the shot when I'm a little drunk and drop 2 inches too low sweet and sour :eek:
A good cheap beef fix is a skirt steak. Marinate it in some hot oil, or a cabernet, grill it up. Serve it with a sweet potatoe and asparagus and it is pretty good and wont cost but a few dollars.
Maybe the question should've been "favorite productive meal" or "favorite junk meal"

My favorite productive meal is steak. Just big a juicy w/ broccoli and mashed taters.

My favorite junk meal is...give me a second to think, lol
hey, I liked Rocky Road.

But yeah, for a real meal, I would take Steak medium rare or less any day. I love to use the blood as sauce