Fckn rubber dumbells!!!!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I hate rubber dumbells!!!!! I mean I understand the whole suposed to last longer and easier on floors and racks or whatever, but nothing beats good old fashioned iron plate dumbells. I mean the rubber ones dnt even feel as heavy as the metal ones. What do you all like, rubber or METAL?????
I dont mind the rubber ones unless I am going heavy. Anything over 80lbs on the rubber ones is hard, they are way too wide. Shoulder press with those things and you barely have to move, ditto with one arm db rows, I always hit myself in the hip bones!
I know what you mean. They dont feel the same. The only time i prefer them is when im benching w/ them because you dont get all the paint chips in your eyes when you click them together at the top of the rep.
I've got rubber dumbells at school and while they are a lot bulkier than the metal ones I have back at the gym back at home they feel better to me because they don't tear my hands up like the ones at home. Its like they are made from sand paper and broken glass bottles; anything over 80lbs and im ripping calluses off and I HATE it when that happens so I actually prefer rubber just because out of those two they feel better in my hand.
I prefer metal just because it is more compact (at least the ones I've used) than the rubber ones. Plus it just looks much more hardcore.
I prefer metal just because it is more compact (at least the ones I've used) than the rubber ones. Plus it just looks much more hardcore.
Yes....love the look of a rack of huge pro style dumbells. The rubber ones look like they could belong in a shiny, glitzy and chrome filled preppy place
I didnt mind the rubber too much but prefer the metal. The rubber ones were so fucking long though it was rediculous,lol. Plus when you would bring them together they would bounce apart like crazy,lol
I didnt mind the rubber too much but prefer the metal. The rubber ones were so fucking long though it was rediculous,lol. Plus when you would bring them together they would bounce apart like crazy,lol

That drives me nuts.
is it just me or does the rubber weights feel lighter? i can always go more heavy when i go to a gym with rubber weights. i dont know if its just mental or they really are lighter...ive always wondered about this.... they both are the same weight
is it just me or does the rubber weights feel lighter? i can always go more heavy when i go to a gym with rubber weights. i dont know if its just mental or they really are lighter...ive always wondered about this.... they both are the same weight

yeah they weigh the same however i know exactly what you mean about them feeling lighter, so i thought to myself that maybe they feel lighter cause the weight is spread out more with rubber ones since they are 8 feet long and the metal ones are more condensed, i know that doesnt even sound like it makes sense, but i know they weight the same but yes i too agree the rubber ones feel lighter all the time!