Feeling on super dmz 2.0


New member
I am thinking about starting a run of the dmz 2.0 form IML, however, I have a lot of important stuff coming up at work and I cannot afford to have any mental sides. I am pretty prone to mental sides such as anxiety or the cloudy/spaced out feeling that orals sometimes cause. One of my friends is running it right now at 2 caps per day and says he feels great, but I wanted to get some more feedback before I started.

Side note: my friend has blown up and is only 2 weeks in.
I feel great and I'm running my second cycle of DMZ. I have been taking 1 pill day. And started taking 2 pills today and I started igf Friday. And I haven't had any issues with it at all. Beside the pumps are killers.
I have never had any that I can think of Bro. What kind of mental sides are you talking about ?

Especially orals that aromatize, sometimes bp can get high which causes mental sides. And on havoc for example, I start to feel run down and lethargic toward the end of the run.
I had no weirdness (mental issues) from the DMZ. I do know what you're talking about though. There's a PH called Ultradrol that made feel pretty strange. The only side I had from DMZ was some nasty heartburn at two pills per day. An OTC should take care of that though. I had ridiculous strength and size gains from it. Good luck and keep us posted!
I had no weirdness (mental issues) from the DMZ. I do know what you're talking about though. There's a PH called Ultradrol that made feel pretty strange. The only side I had from DMZ was some nasty heartburn at two pills per day. An OTC should take care of that though. I had ridiculous strength and size gains from it. Good luck and keep us posted!

When you say dmz are you referring to super dmz 2.0 or the compound dimethylazine? Super dmz 2.0 has both dimethylazine and methyl stenbolone in it (ultradrol). What kind of "strangeness" did you feel from ultradrol?
Yes I'm referring to super DMZ 2.0 and I had no strange feelings while on it. The Ultradrol made me feel generally unsettled, I wouldn't call anxiety which I'm very familiar with, it was more of a restless feeling but not the kind you get from stims if that makes any sense.
Ok good. The last thing you want is to go into a cycle with anxiety about the cycle! LOL Oh and I did have some pretty knarly back pumps mainly while training legs (mostly squats). I think the next time I run it I'm going to drink about 2.5-3 gallons a day and add some taurine to my intake.
No! I picked up three bottles before the ban and they're in the closet collecting dust! I'm going to start my next cycle soon and I'll be using d-bol or the superdrol for the first 4 weeks.
super dmz. only one a day. Proably put on 12 lbs with no diet change and srtength went up. Felt great, no sides other then the fricken heartburn. lol