fina and dbol only

Should be fine. Make sure you have the clomid, those are two nut busters. Let us know how it goes, I have an excess of both right now.
what do you mean ballbuster?? Would it cause a major case of gyno. I know it is going to be hard on the dick (fina dick), But would if I converted some syno
Hi mate. I like the idea, but the way I would run it would be to make it into a shorter cycle.

D-bol at 40mg/day
Tren at 75mg/day

Both for 6 weeks.

I feel that d-bol and tren is one of the most powerful stacks there is, so you have a good serious cycle there bro.
what if I added syno trandermally. Would that help out or MUST syno be injected in order for it to be considered helpful in order not to get fina dick!!!
"How about fina and suspension? Now, that's a combo. "

yes, mine looks like this:

wks. 1-6: 75mg fina ed
wks. 1-6: 75mg prop/suspension ed
wks. 1-6: 50mg winstrol ed

of course the clomid is on hand...

week # 3, and the pumps are through the roof!!
i have heard in the past, that fina and dbol will compete for the same receptors, any truth to this? for this reason i have always run the 2 seperatly.
custombikes said:
i have heard in the past, that fina and dbol will compete for the same receptors, any truth to this? for this reason i have always run the 2 seperatly.

Not true, and I've had no trouble running Fina for long periods. Dbol, however, cramps me so bad I can't even finish my workout. I use naps.
bro i luv this combo honestly i have never tried it my self. but i have made cycles for about 4 people which look somthing like this

1-6 30mgdboled
1-10 80mgfinaed

and they got awsome results with it. one guy gained 4lbs in the first week. his strength was off the hook by the second week.
cool, i may have to give these 2 a try, when i can get my ass back in the gym, this damn back i don't think its ever gonna heal.
My next cycle start on January 5
week 1-4 30mg Dbol
week 1-6 100mg fina EOD
clomid on hand.

My question is. What should my cuting cyclebe? am thinking of staring my cutting in April