Finally some good news

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No surgery needed for my broken eye socket. The Ortho Surgeon got back the cat scan results and he feels no need to do the Surgery. Should be ok in another month or so, swelling is coming down nice and I'll be back in action soon. Hate being sidelined but it could have been alot worse. Thanks for all the well wishes, they came thru !!!
Practice has stopped completely, I just got back to weights this week. Maybe start to roll next week lightly and work the bags.
Thanks for all the support, you guy's are awesome! Bro I am going to be a picture posting SOB very soon. I was going to break down and Buy a Digital Cam last week, I told my girl and she got all wierded out, so I got to guess she got me one for my Birthday and didn't want me to blow it. I can wait the week.
digi cameras are the best, i want to buy one, but dont have the cash. You can buy one that does a movie, you and the girl could start a lil film
DUDE that sucks, I also didn't even see that, I hope things work out for you and that clears up, SOON. I can offer some advice that might help the healing process. Go over to Animals board and look at a couple threads by Brooklyjuice, he's a really good guy and a mod over there and to make a long story short he got jumped alittle while back and was hit over the head with a bat. Fucked his whole wolrd up. They expected complete loss of hearing on one side and everything. He's got a series of vitamins that he's been taking and what not and a month later he's almost perfect again. The doctors can't believe it. He's already got back over 90% of his hearing that they thought he wouldn't get. So if your interested I'd stop by and talk with him, tell him I sent you by. Good Luck