Finding jeans that fit


New member
I wear nomex for work and shorts most of the time when I'm off. We were goin out to eat the other night and I decided to wear jeans. The first 3 pair I tried were way way to tight on my thighs. All my jeans are 32x32 some 33x30 they're boot cut. American eagle, hollister, bullhead, and aeropostale but they are way to tight. Are there any brands or styles that are a lil more roomy. I can get em on but forget puttin a phone or wallet in a pocket. It's stupid but I'm sure y'all have had the same problem.
I have never found any brand jeans that fit, so i wear cargo pants alot of the time
The $9.99 basketball shorts from academy are great. Also xxl under armour tshirts. To bad my wife doesn't think they're suitable for every occasion. That's one thing me and my 9 month old daughter have in common. Mom dresses us to go in public.
The $9.99 basketball shorts from academy are great. Also xxl under armour tshirts. To bad my wife doesn't think they're suitable for every occasion. That's one thing me and my 9 month old daughter have in common. Mom dresses us to go in public.

lol, they arent? shit thats all i wear everywhere!lol
Who knew right? According to my wife grown have to wear long pants to certain events. I really think she makes this stuff up...