F'ing bent bars!!!

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
First off who the hell bends them?! There is no one in my gym who can squat more than I do and the bar is bent in the middle. Anyways I was feeling strong today and decided to do continuous non lockout high rep squats with 405. At about 12 or 13 the fucking bar rolls almost off my back!! I was able to catch it and regain balance and not get hurt, but it destroyed my set. The adrenalin rush wiped me out and I just became enraged! So my question is how does a bar get bent like this if it isn't me (to my knowledge)???
having 315 on a barbell and dropping it on a bench....seen it happen...thats definitely one way i can think of
Yeah I was really lucky. It was bent right near the middle. I think what saved me from injury was yesterday I got trigger point treatment for my back and shoulder and also got adjusted finally.
how didnt you notice it was bent before you bothered using it
how didnt you notice it was bent before you bothered using it

It was bent right in the middle and it was a arch type bend. I didn't see it by looking at it and didn't feel it until I got up to 405. Once I took it off and put it on the safety bars you could roll it and see how bent it was. It would roll slow until it got to the bend then roll over quickly. That's what happened on my back. It was just in the right spot and when it moved a fraction of an inch, it spun quickly.
Some stupid asshole probably just put a bunch of weight on it and did rack pulls or something and dropped the fucking bar rather than taking it down with some kind of control