First Female-Driven IGF-1 Research

Is it only B12 though - this is sort of a special blend with a few things, incld folic acid.

As for IGF - I took 2 days off this weekend b/c I wasn't training (it was my bday so i partied instead). Hoping that when I start again Monday morning I will feel something from the mini-break. Who knows.
Day 13) Dropped a couple pds I think - if the scale at my gym is right then I am 119 with gym clothes and after a shake, so say 118. I started in the early 120's however I started during my period (bloating galore) and I have been officially dieting 3 weeks. I truly think any weight loss is due to the latter and not the IGF.

I am carbing up on the Sundays, yet I am not getting the same pumps as when I started.

We will see this week what happens.
If you're on fairly low carbs throughout the week, one day of higher carbs may not be enough. I thought it may be for you at 120 pounds and also I know you're concerned about BF and weight but it's probably hurting your gains. I know for myself at 220 pounds, one day is definitely not enough. Generally, poor pumps always mean too few carbs. But the pump may not matter. Muscle growth and losing fat are your goals, as I understand them. A four pound weight drop sounds like too much for "period" weight fluctuation, for someone your size. However, a couple pound water weight fluctuation along with a couple pound weight drop in fat due to your workouts and cardio and diet, over several weeks, sounds about right.

I will also mention that on another board, an advanced member mentioned that he's on his second straight month. I asked him about continued progress as many report reduced benefits after one month. He said he's noticing more changes now than he did in his first month.

Protocols are still being developed and there are only now a large number of people trying this and reporting on it. No one has really figured out optimal methods so, if I were you, I would finish out this cycle and then take a break and then do another cycle completely differently than this one. Figure up a completely different protocol and give that a try and compare results. Using AAS however wouldn't be a fair comparison. I'm thinking differences in time and diet and traing. Something like: Drop the cardio, increase the weight training, use the IGF for 8 weeks (need 2 vials at 50mcg/day) on training days only and increase your carbs and especially protein significantly. Get up to about 3 grams protein/lb bodyweight.

Good luck,

Scorpioquic, I'm not trying to push anything on you but mabey for what your trying to accomplish PGF2A would better.

I plan on trying it in December at variouse doses and protocols (on my lab rats that is). Right now I'm trying to get some more info on another forum.
Hey ATK, I'm in T.O too. What's PGF2A?

Maxrep, Buddy thanks for all your help. I turned today into a carb up day. I think it will really benefit me. Not to mention it tastes oh so good ;-)

Holy shit those are some side effects!

Side effects associated with PGF2a use are an elevation in body temperature, vomiting, labored breathing and severe abdominal pain/cramping. As PGF2a vasoconstricts the blood vessels in the lungs, the user will feel a tightening in the chest. If you're an asthmatic, use of PGFa could very well put you into full respiratory arrest followed by death. Because PGF2a increases insulinogenic effects, hypoglycemia is a potential side effect.

PGF2a has a very short half-life in the body (only minutes) and most of it is metabolized in the lungs, thus making frequent injections necessary. PGF2a will almost always cause a very strong contraction of the intestine and bladder, emptying the stomach and intestines of all its contents. That's a nice way of saying you'll have explosive diarrhea."

I think I will pass, haha
ATK said:
Scorpioquic, I'm not trying to push anything on you but mabey for what your trying to accomplish PGF2A would better.

I plan on trying it in December at variouse doses and protocols (on my lab rats that is). Right now I'm trying to get some more info on another forum.

ATK, no way bro. PGF2a is used to induce labor, it should not ever be used by women, pregnant or otherwise.

MaxRep said:

I will also mention that on another board, an advanced member mentioned that he's on his second straight month. I asked him about continued progress as many report reduced benefits after one month. He said he's noticing more changes now than he did in his first month.

Hey MR,

Do you have the board name and a link to that? Sounds pretty interesting. I wonder how many people have had success with their second vial in a row.

Thanks Bro.

SC, he felt people would continue to make gains beyond the 1st month and was seeing positive changes himself in his second month. Check your PM.

Just felt the need to highlight NOT to do what ATK suggested here. Women should NOT only REFRAIN from using PGF2a (ie: via any type of injection), they should also AVOID coming into contact with it in ANY way, even via dermal (skin) contact. If I may reproduce the warning that comes with the insert:

Women of child-bearing age, asthmatics, and persons with bronchial and other respiratory problems should exercise extreme caution when handling this product. In the early stages, women may be unaware of their pregnancies. Dinoprost tromethamine is readily absorbed through the skin and can cause abortion and/or bronchiospasms. Direct contact with the skin should, therefore, be avoided. Accidental spillage on the skin should be washed off immediately with soap and water.

In short, Ms. Scorpiochiq and any other females considering/being told about PGF2a use - DO NOT TOUCH. :o
As a postscript, I have used just about everything there is to use and PGF2a is definitely a no no, for anyone, male or female. This stuff is just too much trouble. It gives you nightmares actually - or rather, it gives your butt nightmares. :p - for little or no gains. Not worth the trouble.
I would never go that route. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I did --- just to lose a little fat? Then I am no better than the women spending every week at the plastic surgeons trying to look like a barbie doll.

Thx IM
IM^ said:
As a postscript, I have used just about everything there is to use and PGF2a is definitely a no no, for anyone, male or female. This stuff is just too much trouble. It gives you nightmares actually - or rather, it gives your butt nightmares. :p - for little or no gains. Not worth the trouble.

I'll have to disagree. PGF2a may not be suitable for females, but it certainly has been worth it for me. I'll be picking up another 3 bottles in fact. I've taken up to 5mg per shot, and taken 2.5mg every half hour. Right now, I'm doing 2.5mg every hour, up to 35mg per day on the weekends.

Negative sides: Slight headaches that went away after a week. Occasional nausea. Lethargy after about 10mg total. Pain. Farting like a carthorse.

Positve sides: Fat loss. Increased vascularity, freaky in fact. Slight increase in muscle mass.

I have never had the alleged explosive shits you hear about,
Welcome. PGF2a is really not worth the (extreme) discomfort it causes. For a woman to lose bodyfat, there are several other tricks that she can use that are far more effective and safer. Remember that females are obviously far more sensitive to manipulation of endogenous hormonal levels and any playing around with such a delicate balance of hormones in a woman's body must be done with great respect and by someone who is both knowledgeable in such matters and very deferential to the woman under his care. I have seen far too many so-called gurus really screw up people they are supposed to be helping out because they had no idea what they were doing or because they simply couldn't give a flying...errr...copulatory act to a rolling Krispy Kreme. I mean no disrespect to the people in this forum of course - most are well-meaning and very knowledgeable. Just take care.

Koevoet, that's interesting. Obviously different people will have different reactions. What brand are you using? Where do you inject? How deep do you go? Almost all the guinea pigs I have had on PGF2 had some degree of defecation, ranging from quite bad to pretty damn bad. PGF2a causes a peristaltic contraction of the intestinal smooth muscle which will induce an emptying of most or all the intestinal contents, the degree of which will obviously be individual specific. However, if I may ask, are the positive effects which you have noticed transient or long term? What degree of fat loss are we talking about and was it entirely due to PGF2a or were you taking something else with it and/or did the diet change? Just asking out of interest, I like to catalogue all the real world data on as many chemicals as I can get. Cheers.
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No problem. It obviously isn't worth it to you, but it is to me.

I agree that women should never touch it, in fact I made that comment earlier on in this thread.
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IM^ said:

Koevoet, that's interesting. Obviously different people will have different reactions. What brand are you using? Where do you inject? How deep do you go? Almost all the guinea pigs I have had on PGF2 had some degree of defecation, ranging from quite bad to pretty damn bad. PGF2a causes a peristaltic contraction of the intestinal smooth muscle which will induce an emptying of most or all the intestinal contents, the degree of which will obviously be individual specific. However, if I may ask, are the positive effects which you have noticed transient or long term? What degree of fat loss are we talking about and was it entirely due to PGF2a or were you taking something else with it and/or did the diet change? Just asking out of interest, I like to catalogue all the real world data on as many chemicals as I can get. Cheers.

ProstaMate, 30ml vials, 5mg/ml. I use a slin pin, go in a full half inch, and alternate between IM (in my delts, bi's, traps & forearms) and SubQ (in my sides, abs & chest )

As I said, it makes me fart like a carthorse (plus they stink to high heaven), and also makes me take a piss. The only time I got the shits was after eating Taco Hell for lunch and then taking 15mg in 3 hours. Other than that, nothing. ALthough I do notice the intestinal spasm, not that they are bothersome, just that I can notice them.

As for the positive effects being permanent, I'm not sure as I'm still taking it. No diet change, no other supplements. Fat loss has not been extreme, but definitely noticable, in fact my woman noticed it before I did. I noticed the vascularity though, that has increased more than ever before.

The biggest problem in my opinion is the pain. I have a fairly high threshold (have given myself sutures without anaesthetic a few times in the past) but atfer shooting the same muscle 2 or 3 times in a day, I'm pretty much toast. I also think that PGF2a will amplify pain in other parts of your body. For example I had a cut in my mouth from sparring, and whenever I took a shot, it hurt like a mofo.
That is very interesting and most unusual. You inject upper body as well? And with no gastric side effects? Do you know anyone else who has done this succesfully? ProstaMate is made by AgriLabs so the problem of it being a fake/inferior product is not the case. And I concur about the shots being as painful as hell; I have had several cases of my guinea pigs' muscles literally going into a spasm while they were being injected, accompanied by strings of visceral profanities that induced mental damage. Which is partly the reason why I don't like PGF-2; something that hurts that much had better give me something to marvel at in a short time. The other reason of course being that it turns you into an industrial grade poop machine. You're the first person I have talked to who did not get this side effect. Very instructive. Thanks for sharing the info.