first time using anadrol


New member
I just started stacking anadrol 50 mg ed with my test e and deca. i take a-dex anti p and anti e on cycle. i also take milk thistle. is there any thing else i should take while using anadrol. and if i work out at 5 in the morning should i take it before i go to bed or does it even matter. any input is appreciated.
I would break it in half and do half morning and half night if possible. Other than that it looks good
I don't have any experience but just curious, How much test and decca are you taking with it?
I will never do oral anadrol or d-bol again. Now pinning them is diff and the only way to go....
im taking 500 mg a week of test and 400 mg a week of deca. and its z line.i Just herd that you get great results from oral a-bol but i know its very toxic so i am doing my best to watch what i put in my body not to overload my liver. is it even worth taking.
Milk thistle or any liver protectant will help you out. I only take milk thistle when I take anadrol and I seem to be ok, liver enzymes are never off the charts or anything
I'm taking anadrol inject just started week 3 and the results are awesome. I'm taking 50mg eod and I think I'm gunna run it for 6 weeks instead of 4. My blood pressure is up but it ran really low before. It use to run around 90/60 the other day it was 138/88. I may have gotten the numbers switched around lol
I do every other day. Eod. It's been worth it so far. I take milk thistle, vitamin B complex, multi, and I hit some nolvadex for the moobies.
I'm taking anadrol inject just started week 3 and the results are awesome. I'm taking 50mg eod and I think I'm gunna run it for 6 weeks instead of 4. My blood pressure is up but it ran really low before. It use to run around 90/60 the other day it was 138/88. I may have gotten the numbers switched around lol

I never heard of injectable anadrol nor do i know why anyone would use injectable anadrol? anyone know anything about this and why anyone would use it like this over orally ??
I've heard of it but never tried it, the theory is like all take stress off the liver
I've ran as high as 100mg of anadrol a day and liver values were only slightly high

at 50mg/day you should be OK
I've heard of it but never tried it, the theory is like all take stress off the liver

Thnx and I know orals make two passes through but I didn't think people actually shot anadrol because of this. I guess if ur liver is stressed then why not
i get really bad heartburn from orals...been off orals for last 3-4 weeks and it's gone away...i'll be starting up with test/deca/drol in couple more weeks though
i get really bad heartburn from orals...been off orals for last 3-4 weeks and it's gone away...i'll be starting up with test/deca/drol in couple more weeks though

try some Prilosec

- - - Updated - - -

I know tren really jacked up my acid reflux
I don't know anyone that has seen legit Anadrol since Green Giants back in the day...Not to say it does not exist, but from what I hear it is all too rare, might want to go with a different compound if your results let you down...

And I wouldn't take it at night..Worst thing you can do is jack your BP up at nighttime....providing it is real, high BP in your sleep cycle is dangerous and not advantageous to optimal gains. You can try it 1 hour before a workout and it may increase strength, but it also may increase pumps to the point it is a negative force in your workout.