first time using anadrol

I don't know anyone that has seen legit Anadrol since Green Giants back in the day...Not to say it does not exist, but from what I hear it is all too rare, might want to go with a different compound if your results let you down...

And I wouldn't take it at night..Worst thing you can do is jack your BP up at nighttime....providing it is real, high BP in your sleep cycle is dangerous and not advantageous to optimal gains. You can try it 1 hour before a workout and it may increase strength, but it also may increase pumps to the point it is a negative force in your workout.

What were they the "hemos"? I also remember the HankKUK anadrol was killer but faked so much it got rediculous!
I can't remember...but I do know I saw a few people run those back in the day,even myself I was gaining like 5lbs a week...that was back when the stop sign dbols were out. Remember those??!!

Press, we are starting to sound old like our parents, or at least I am!!!!, "things were so much better back in the day"...In some senses I think that AAS have improved though :)
I can't remember...but I do know I saw a few people run those back in the day,even myself I was gaining like 5lbs a week...that was back when the stop sign dbols were out. Remember those??!!

Press, we are starting to sound old like our parents, or at least I am!!!!, "things were so much better back in the day"...In some senses I think that AAS have improved though :)

I dont know, its the lesser of two evils, Mexico back in the day or China now,lol. Ofcourse the Human grade gear has held steady at being the best but hard to get or find.

And yeah you sound like an old man, as for me, my birthday is next month and im turning 25! lol
Oh and by the way MuscleChemistry turns 13 years old next month "December" , yes that means I started this site when i was 12 years old,lol
Congrats to MC!!! 13 years is awesome...still love this site and members as I did the day I stumbled onto it!!

And someone commented on Injectable Anadrol...I didn't know that existed either!!! Guess you learn something new everyday. that is impressive I cannot even begin to imagine how giant you got if it was real..

And Press, yeah you are right in some ways improved and some ways diminished. Much more widely available now then 13 years ago!!!! I remember brands like TTokyo, British Dragon, Quality Vet...Man i remember getting 50cc Bottles of QV enanthate back in the day, that was the same feel as Christmas morning!!!!!
Congrats to MC!!! 13 years is awesome...still love this site and members as I did the day I stumbled onto it!!

And someone commented on Injectable Anadrol...I didn't know that existed either!!! Guess you learn something new everyday. that is impressive I cannot even begin to imagine how giant you got if it was real..

And Press, yeah you are right in some ways improved and some ways diminished. Much more widely available now then 13 years ago!!!! I remember brands like TTokyo, British Dragon, Quality Vet...Man i remember getting 50cc Bottles of QV enanthate back in the day, that was the same feel as Christmas morning!!!!!

yep, I cant name 5 brands off the top of my head now if i tryed! lol, well maybe i could, but point is it aint like it use to be,lol
I just started stacking anadrol 50 mg ed with my test e and deca. i take a-dex anti p and anti e on cycle. i also take milk thistle. is there any thing else i should take while using anadrol. and if i work out at 5 in the morning should i take it before i go to bed or does it even matter. any input is appreciated.

I would for sure take something to protect your prostrate Anadrol is ruff on the proser!
I will never do oral anadrol or d-bol again. Now pinning them is diff and the only way to go....
I talk frequently with a pro BB who is 50 I had a buddy that was getting inj anadrol from mexico I suspected it to be fake so I asked this BB he said their is NO such thing as inj anadrol. As I said he is 50 and has pro card. He has been in BB since he was 21. Don't want to put his name on here because, He has been a good source for me in past but things got hot on him so he throttled back ,! But I would certainly believe a guy with 30 years of gear use experience. Just my 2 cents. I hatE fake gear selling mf's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There some decent Arabic pharmacy oxy around at the moment that HG and legt. Androl is a fantasic compound, the ill effects on the liver etc are greatly over rated. So long as you do not have medical related issues with certain things and your not taking narcs/rec drugs or drinking then you will be ok even for extended periods. Work the dose up 50mg ED is a good starting place, 150mg ED works very well when built up to. You want to be lean before you throw in the Androl or you will bloat badly. Mast helps allot with the water under the skin as long as you drink plenty of fluids, keep your sodium modest to low and avoid processed sugars. Can go up to 200mg ED but again after that unless you stacking the GH + Insulin it really not worth it, even 200mg is a bit much without these in play.
Nemo u better not be talkin about the Iran anadrol(oxymethalone) it's bunk and junk. Like I said before the Taliban are makin that crap to take american money. When I hear anadrol I see moon faces.
Yeah I got the Iranian one, it's been very good to me, used around 200 tabs of it over last 3-4 months, all been very good. As for Taliban well I not sure about that, I would say that is more internet heresay. Probally is fakes going around, but what I got is deffo G2G.
Nemo can u post a pic? Are they in white box pink or blue diamond and tabs are in pushout strips with brown or clear fronts foil back? StriPs are 10 count. I say taliban cause mine were pure
Sorry for the quality of the photo, the missus has taken the camera away with her. I did not have a box, had them off a friend who owns a gym. They been fine, possibly underdosed but maybe thats just me being used to them. I have some Oxy raw here so I can compare them to that when I run it next. I wasn't going to run it but I am tempted now to throw it on top of my current stack although that would be quite allot of gear ha

Ok , you got the new version that's pretty good . I hear those are low dosed notTrue 50 but heck if the price is right nothin wrong with them . Stay away fromthe same strips but bunk ones have a dark brown plastic not clear and same foil back as yours . I'm guessin 50cent each? You can let one dissolve in your mouth and taste a somewhat chemical taste. Bunk ones of course are chalk . Go to alibaba and see the pakistan store names pop upLike crazy .lol
Yeah disolves in mouth and tastes chemically. When I think back to the days of legt Androl then they dont seem as good but maybe its just me not being as sensitive to the stuff no more.. However I do remember when I first took these ones I was getting banging head aches on 100mg and veins everywhere so it is most likely me just getting used to it, plus I not eating as much as I was back then, two days of eating big on these and my arms blow out like fuck with web veins everywhere so I know that Oxy alright.
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break it in half? fuck that, one in the am one at dinner ;) and the orals def work, when mucus starts comin out with your poop, thats when u know to back down on it