Food before bed...


New member
I normally enjoy having an assload of 1% cottage cheese with whole wheat crackers... last night i added about 1oz of Almonds to the meal and i slept like a fucking baby... are the almonds ok to eat? Is this an ok meal about... an hour before bed?
I don't know what you're goals/stats/etc. are.

The cottage cheese is pretty low in fat and fairly low is carbohydrates and VERY high in protein. In itself a very good food to eat BUT...

you say you're eating an "assload" of it. If I'm eating a huge amount of anything I try to find something that is extremely low carb-no carb/moderate fat/high protein OR extremely low fat-fat free/moderate carb/high protein. What you have here is equally low carb and fat. Now it may be low enough in both (unless you're a complete lard- butt) and your "assload" doesn't mean 4+ servings to where you'll be fine BUT...

the fact that you're adding in some wheat crackers may be/is a problem. You're adding carb into your pre-bedtime meal. That is the #1 no-no. I don't know if you're on a strict carb cutoff time, I assume not according to this meal. Most of us when trying to gain lean muscle, maintain lean muscle or cut up have a carb cutoff time. The bigger you are the earlier the cutoff time. Now...

You're adding almonds to the mix. Overall a good choice in nut. Almonds have the highest protein content of ANY nut, therefore, a valuable staple in many BBers diet. Almonds are rich in minerals, potassium (gotta have it while on the MC-Advanced aqua-burn), calcium, etc. Plus they're high in mono-unsaturated fat (the good fat). A high in fat, low in carb, high in protein choice. SO...

By now you may see the problem. You have cottage cheese (low carb/low fat), wheat crackers (high carb/low fat), and now almonds (low carb/high fat). All three are main staples in my diet but I don't put them all together. You're looking at a high protein/high carb/high fat meal right before bed. For the quick fix...

Drop the wheat crackers, don't consume more than 2 servings of cottage cheese, and make liberal usage of the almonds. That's keeping it to a minimal amount of carbohydrates, plenty of protein and moderate fat.

All in all I would probably find something else. Maybe an egg-white omlette with low fat luncheon meat and low fat/no carb cheese. THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING to do for a pre-bedtime meal is a low fat/no carb/high protein meal.

A protein shake made with water or crystal light is my usual pre-bedtime meal. Who wants to make an omlette and clean up an hour before bed? Not me...
not trying to over run this thread, but how much protien is in cottage cheese?I dont really care for the taste, but if it has enough protien in it then i might have to pick me up some. :)
Cottage cheese is pretty high up on the list of the basic foods you pick up on each trip to the store. If your not eating it consider it. Its up there with tuna. high protein and pretty low fat and of course there are lower fat versions everywhere.