Freaky yes, but....


MuscleChemistry member
dude is big and freaky, but I just dont like how his body is put together. I cant see him doing well at the pro level.

I could be wrong, what do you think?
Agreed he's very blocky, too thick in the waist for his size. He'd need to put on like 30 lbs for his waist to not look so thick
Yup big hit the nail on the head for the most part:

1. his waist is a bit too thick, he needs to widen those shoulders.
2. his head just looks wierd. I covered his head with my hand and he looked much better; sounds funny but try it yourself. He almost looks like he has a pinhead that makes his body look way too blocky...
Based on that pic he doesn't look too bad to me..

I would agree that he doesn't look too bad, just a little bit blocky in the midsection is all. I think he could do well at the pro level though.
I would agree that he doesn't look too bad, just a little bit blocky in the midsection is all. I think he could do well at the pro level though.

Those were my thoughts: everything else makes up for the ugly mid section.