Friday and Sex


New member
Finally Friday finally no working past 7 (I work two jobs averaging about 55 hours per week)! Finally no kid in the house (sorry Stickler). Just wanted to say Stickler will not be spending any time near any computer tonight after 7pm we are locking ourselves in the bedroom and then honey you can do anything you desire!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait. With our crazy schedules sex has been at a miniumn but tonight..........hmmmmmmmm...anything goes baby!!!!! ;)

ps sorry for anyone out there not getting any this evening as I will be smiling for the rest of my weekend!!!!!! :thumbsup:
Well follow up on last night......hmmm went to sleep around 2am exhausted but well worth it as you can tell I so love my hubby........this morning for work exhausted but smiling...........thanks stickler ;)
..... presser.. no one talks about puke as your speedo flashes the planet.... oh wait a minute... we do talk about pukin' .... LOL

anyway.... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH............ what can I say, it's good times, great holidays, and going out 2008 with a BANG (no pun intended... ok, serious pun intended)... no video, no photo's ..... but all i can say is... :)
You guys can get that voice activated typing program. You would have to wear head sets with mics.....or just a big mic coming down from the cieling.....Get kinky......Why not do a webcast? Pay-per-bone!
lets not start having text descriptions of our sex lifes.

for one, I dont wanna hear about the crabs normalsucks finds on his girls and two, I dont wanna hear about the farm animals that IP screws.
Actually the farm animals thing should be webcast.....I.P. just wearing cowboy boots and them sheep could be good entertainment.