friend of mine getting ready for a comp in october this year

Cheers buddy I'll keep on posting pics and progress to get the best plan possible
yeah i don't think its a great idea to take igf the day of the show. Only thing i know from both personal experience and other competitors is to take tren ace straight through the show. I know some guys like to use primobolan leading up to the last week of the show but they use it also as site enhancing and go through like 50 amps in a week lol, crazy shit. but i don't know shit about that personally, just know people who did it.
That would be for synthiol like effect my guess
Cheers buddy

correct brutha, know a guy who used all of them in his back for night of the champions many many years ago, i thought it was insane but he did quite well lol, so what do i know, I'm not at that level so i guess ill never know!
current weight 108 kgs 237.6 lbs , BF% dropped not sure how much lol , gear added mast e @ 600 mg / week
Very nice. What's the deal with Nolva ed though is it because of the amounts he's taking? I thought you weren't supposed to run it while on tren.
He looks really good. How are the wheels?

wheels are all right but calves are not upto the mark i am suggesting him to follow your calves workout ;) and we have to work on lats as well

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Abs are looking great! Though the white pants is showing off the German Helmet! Not cool! lol

hahahahha u have a keen eye brother
wheels are all right but calves are not upto the mark i am suggesting him to follow your calves workout ;) and we have to work on lats as well

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hahahahha u have a keen eye brother

yeah well i did, now I'm blind from that shit! lol
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sorry for real real delay on this post was busy and shit in lot of stuff ,
well we manage to win the state level this was my first comp under the belt and getting a win was a big thing for me really proud of him he's hard worker and with blessed genes i just did the course planning aas the stuff i love lol, diet and training part for him superb feeling , and would like to thank all who gave their advises and all
cheers all