Friend who won't listen to reason


New member
I have a friend who is a recreational bobdybuilder and he's on his second cycle. His first cycle was 500mg of sust weekly and dbol with no pct's. Now he's back on another cycle no more than 2 months after he stopped his last one. This time he's taking 800mg test cyp.,All by its self. This guy is in no way ready for the substances he's using and I know that he's going to fuck himself up.First off, He plans on using Androgel for pct's. I tried to tell him that you can't use that for pct's but he just wont listen.,. Second, He's on way to much test for only his second cycle,plus he just started to workout when he started his first cycle. I tried to school him and give him some good advice but he just wont listen to reason. His first cycle ended up just bloating him up so much that he had a double chin ! I tried to tell him that Androgel does not bring natural test levels up it just puts more test in you. This guy is one of my best friends and I hate to see him screw himself up but what can I do if he won't listen ? I've even tried to get him on the board so he can do some research before he started his cycles,but he thinks he's got it all figured out, and you can't tell him shit. It pisses me off big time. I really have no patience for ignorance. I guess some people just don't wan't to do things the right way. He's gonna end up looking fat and probably have bigger tits than my girlfriend. He's been getting his advice and gear off of this guy who apparently used to be a competitive bodybuilder and thinks that this guy is telling him the right way do do things. Well I say that this guy he's dealling with is a fucking idiot and shouldn't be giving advice to anyone. And its not like my friend dosn't have a computer that he can do research on. He's just to fucking lazy to do it. I'de hate to see my friend fuck himself up but I just want to be there when he's done his cycle and ends up losing almost everything that he worked for and ends up with bad gyno so I can say "I told you so" !. What do you guys think I should do? Should I just leave him be and let him learn from his own mistakes or should I keep tying to get it in his head that he needs to listen to me ? I don't think that he's going to listen to me anyway, so what would you guys do ?
i would one last time go over the proper way to do things, tell him this comes from first handknowledge and tons of research, then tell him what he is going to do to himself by not doing things properly, ask him if he wants tits? does he want to be infertile? does he want to bloat up like the staypuft marshmellow man, does he want to be depressed when he comes off? does he know that pct is needed? does he know that he sounds half retarded and the guy giving him advice is probably just trying to rape him of his money? and then ask him what kinda doses will he have to run for other cycles down the road considering he is starting so high now? then tell him he is a moron and to do what he wants but dont come crying to you when he is a mess, thats all you can do my freind
Thanks for the feedback bro. I think I'm going to try and get him to come over my house tomorrow and have one more good talk with him. If that dosn't work I'm just gonna sit back and let him do his thing.I know one thing, if he dosn't listen to reasoning, He's gonna have a rude awakening when its all said and done. I just hope he don't fuck himself up too bad.
dude tell me about friends like this, i have a few that do all types of prohormones and aas and never use pct or work out like twice/wk while b/t cycles and then maybe 3-4 times a week while on and think they know it all --- seriously i feel your anger
tool said:
Thanks for the feedback bro. I think I'm going to try and get him to come over my house tomorrow and have one more good talk with him. If that dosn't work I'm just gonna sit back and let him do his thing.I know one thing, if he dosn't listen to reasoning, He's gonna have a rude awakening when its all said and done. I just hope he don't fuck himself up too bad.

Any update to what happened with your friend?
All you can do is first, not say "I told you so" after, and second, tell him if and when
he is ready for a second opinion you will be there. Believe me bro., some guys
HAVE TO LEARN THE HARD WAY!!!! You start sounding like their mother bitchen
at them. You cant control anyone's actions - all you have control of is Your REACTION
to their actions.
mcgaret said:
All you can do is first, not say "I told you so" after, and second, tell him if and when
he is ready for a second opinion you will be there. Believe me bro., some guys
HAVE TO LEARN THE HARD WAY!!!! You start sounding like their mother bitchen
at them. You cant control anyone's actions - all you have control of is Your REACTION
to their actions.

I think your right. This guy just has to learn on his own. I talked to him the other day and he at least agreed to take some clomid post cycle. I still don't know what he plans on doing with that androgel crap though. O'well, At least I tried. And when its all said and done he will know that I was a true friend and only wanted whats best for him, and didn't want to see him screw himself up. Thanks for all your feedback bro's, You guys are like my online therapy
androgel? isn't that test gel?

That's a great Just never come off and you wont need clomid or nolva. haha.

Honestly bro, I've seen many a friend do stupid things and for most that don't listen they are a lost cause unfortunately. Many are too cocky to take advice from someone else. Fortunately for me I am the most knowledgable of all my friends so they usually come to me for advice.
Not to sound cocky myself either, but my good friends KNOW better than doing something without talking to me or jay about it. Now my acquaintances and gym friends are a different story. Very few know that I've used and the ones that do I don't like to get into it with them so I leave it alone. I tell em once shame on you...I don't tell em a second time unless they are good friends. Usually don't have to with my good friends.
Im only on my 2nd cycle and im running 800mg of sust/wk, but then again i started lifting a few years ago, and I think my PCT's might be a tad bit better than his! lol

I have been around the bodybuilding community for about 20 years and come across many people like this. As some others have said he will simply have to learn on his own. If you want to be a good friend you can help him pick up the pieces when he finally finds out that he really screwed up. For now I wouldn't give any advice unless he ask for it. I never give any advice unless someone asked me specifically for it. I see people srewing up all the time, just you discribed your friend appearance, they are not hard to spot. If he is a friend then you obivously have other things in common so I would just continue the friendship and not talk about the AAS. My guess is he will eventually come to you for advice, they always do.
pumpin280 said:
If he is a friend then you obivously have other things in common so I would just continue the friendship and not talk about the AAS. My guess is he will eventually come to you for advice, they always do.

Especially if he sees you making progress, and he is not.