Friends at the gym

Ox 51

Musclechemistry Guru
How many of you have friends at the gym? Or do you keep to yourself while you lift?
I can make friends wherever I go. Sometimes Waaaaaay too many people want to say hi shoot the shit while I work out.
I've made some great friends at tge gym. I train at 5:30am twice a week so the people that are there with me are pretty serious about their workouts. We all finish about the same time and shoot the shit for a few min after we are done. One of them is a sonogram tech and has given my wife and I 3 free sonogram sessions for our baby girl that is due in April. It's pretty cool group of guys!
I have aquaintintses*** but no real friends and the same goes for mylife outside the gym.
I really only have 4 friends. Jenn and Scott train at the gym I go to as does Leatherhead. CH3NO2 used to. Everyone else is just someone I know. I feel extremely lucky to have 4 friends. I have a couple good acquaintances that I used to train with, but the four I listed are the only people I've met in person that I trust. Then theres Silk, but she's the Boss Lady lol!
It's litteraly like a fckn party when I go to the gym. All of my closest friends lift and 90% lift the exact same time I do. I really like haven most of my bro's there. It does make it hard to keep focused sometimes but not all the time. It get's real fckn loud when we are all there. Between the yelling at each other and laughing our asses off, we have to drive people fckn nuts!!!!!
I used to have some good gym friends and really enjoyed it. Nowadays there are a few that I chat with, but I try to keep it brief so it doesn't interrupt my workouts.
Closest friends at the gym or in my life are The Dude and Silk. Hardly get to see them so I saw them at the gym today and talked to them and did not work out, oops. So much for my off day tmr, but I don't mind as they are truly awesome people. Other than that I don't trust too many people and they don't get my bodybuilding lifestyle so a couple close friends that I trust is plenty for me.