front loading


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Gold Member
this question is a little fucked up...but aren't we all :cry:

the theory is to front load w/ prop until the cyp. kicks in, correct?

well it takes (from my understading) any where from 10-21 days for the cyp to kick in...front load w/ the prop until so :confused:
well I kick off all my cycles w/ abombs and mix the test with tren/deca

was wondering if I could up the dose of tren for the 1st 2 weeks until the test kicked in and then back off? or if i should just front load w/ the prop like a normal human?
even fast acting injectables still take up to 2 weeks to see results. i would stick with oral only if possible....if no orals then prop for the first 3-4 weeks.
I agree, You wont see results right off the bat with prop but it will give you an increase in strengh and agression right away. As of orals d-bol are my favorite to kick a cycle in gear, since I'm tired of frequent injections.
I agree with tool and dreww. An oral would be the way to kick-start a cycle.
ok then just keep everything the same
keep the injections 4x a week and consistant and then kick off w/ abombs
as usual
I'd use the orals.Another thing I've seen and seemed to work with eq is to double the dosage for the first 2 weeks.SO if you are going to 500mg cyp take 1000mg for the first 2 weeks.As I said I tried it before and it does seem to work to get blood levels up quicker.But if you do this don't take the prop.
I agree with steroidshaman. Just increase the amounts of your long ester, but beware, it is hard to stop shooting a gram a week once you start!!! LOL
actually a gram a week is base line for me so I don't know about shooting 2g/week for the 1st 2 weeks
between the tren act. and the abombs 2g might be a waste of gear?
did you start this front load and how did ya wind up doing this bro, and as for those saying you wont feel the prop for atleast 2 weeks, i want to know what kind of prop they use, cause i can feel mine kick by weeks end, always could
i don't plan on starting the cycle for a couple more weeks... gonna kick start w/ abombs-by the time the test kicks in I'll be done w/ the anadrol. The tren ace. should kick in quickly.
Might try the prop next go around and drop the anadrol :thumbsup: