Front Loading?

So do you feel it's worth front loading deca when I'm also running sust and dbol?
U will get gains from gate from dbol
Adjust your dose accordingly!!!

But for deca not a bad idea to do 2x total weekly dose week one and 1/3 more week 2!

It's up to U! With dbol I would not be so worried because I myself really gain from dbol, deca, and sust!!
I can gain 20lbs but will need a cut after. Lol

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Lol ya I'm looking for an old school bulk so I'm sure I will gain 20+ but will need to cut for summer.
As always thank you MM!
I am a fan of front loading.
I have really had alot happen in shorter times that deca and Eq are SO SAID to be ran!!!
I have Front loaded and got ALOT of 8 weeks!!!
If u guys would know somethings I do, but I know how i respond and what to what for!!!

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Blacktail my best advice is this
-On deca do first 2 doses in week one double amount.
Example if u gonna use 500 deca a wk.
Instead of 250 mon and 250 thurs
Do 500 mon and 500 thurs

Week two do 350 mon and 350 thurs

Week 3 your dose will be set at 250 mon
And 250 thurs

On dbol dose according to what u see going on. Keep eye on estro!!

I would use Nolva at 10mg a day thru whole cycle and add minimum Adex or Aromasin when needed.
Something that works for me is nolva 10mg a day
And adex 0.5mg at 2 to 3 times per week.
In this cycle I prolly would just use nolva 10mg enjoy your gains and not add adex in till u either having water retention or problem getting limp!!!

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I have really had alot happen in shorter times that deca and Eq are SO SAID to be ran!!!
I have Front loaded and got ALOT of 8 weeks!!!
If u guys would know somethings I do, but I know how i respond and what to what for!!!

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Agree. Knowing how you respond is key. I never lay our a front load plan and just take it week by week
The sooner the ester peaks and growth rate spikes the sooner your myostatin is going to bring gains to a halt. It’s really pointless to use long esters if you’re going to front load.

Robolics Labs Intelligence
Let the ester peak when it’s supposed to. Otherwise you could snag some NPP if you want a shorter cycle.
I’m obviously the odd man out on this one but that’s my opinion.

Robolics Labs Intelligence
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Let the ester peak when it’s supposed to. Otherwise you could snag some NPP if you want a shorter cycle.
I’m obviously the odd man out on this one but that’s my opinion.

Robolics Labs Intelligence
It's all good.
I just love short esters and not afraid of boosting up long ones. But tren e nope scared of that one!!! Lol

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The sooner the ester peaks and growth rate spikes the sooner your myostatin is going to bring gains to a halt. It’s really pointless to use long esters if you’re going to front load.

Robolics Labs Intelligence

Can you explain this further?
The sooner the ester peaks and growth rate spikes the sooner your myostatin is going to bring gains to a halt. It’s really pointless to use long esters if you’re going to front load.

Robolics Labs Intelligence
Not if u gonna do less time!!
I have noticed after being on since August I am still responding big time. But I am not trying to grow really much bigger.
Just stay leaner and be bigger and I done that this round first time in 7 years

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Not if u gonna do less time!!
I have noticed after being on since August I am still responding big time. But I am not trying to grow really much bigger.
Just stay leaner and be bigger and I done that this round first time in 7 years

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running HGH year round like you have has probably helped you with this
running HGH year round like you have has probably helped you with this
Agree!!! Since June been running and I am responding to milder stuff and stronger stuff too strong.
If u try a bulker again dose will be low.
In August I learned my lesson hgh changes the games especially in me at 42 I was responding to anything anymore.
Hgh changed that and I am running the cheaper generics
The high quality generics though. Atm blue tops!!

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