frontloading sust

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Hey fellas

Planning on running sust, EQ and winny...wondered what you guys thought about frontloading the sust...heard some good things about it...but I don't know too much about it overall.

Let me knwo pros and cons.

Sust has some long acting esters in it.  There have been different opinions on frontloading short vs long acting ester tests.

For example I frontloaded 100mg's of prop ED for 3 weeks untill I felt my enanthate kick in.  Napalm on the other hand, if I remember correctly would frontload a long acting ester test like enanthate 2 weeks before he started his "real cycle".  But I don't remember all the details.  It's been a while.  I do know though that this has been discussed alot.  There might be some good search results on that topic.  Give it a whirl, but i'm sure no one would have a problem touching on this subject again.  It hasn't been brought up in a good while and opinions may have changed.

BTW, I loved frontloading the prop.  Honestly had great pumps early, and when the enanthate kicked I already felt awesome.  Plus there's nothing like a good daily morning wood from prop...  BOING!
Any long ester juice is ok to frontload. Just research this topic and find which side you want to take because their are mixed views on this subject.
I frontloaded 1500 of prop enhanced Sust my last 2 cycles and will probably always do it. It really kicks things up fast. I started the Arimidex at day 1 to ward off bloat/E2 and had no real sides from it.
I like to frontload sust personally.  I've done it twice now and really liked the immediate kick I got.  I frontloaded 300mg/day for two weeks, then cut back to 1200mg/wk.  The longer chain esters from each injection take anywhere from 5-7 days to release to peak levels, and then linger around down to a taper-off up to two weeks later.  The fast-acting esters are in fairly low levels in sust and release within 1-2 days.  So, daily injections will keep the fast esters present every day, while the longer ones are releasing in progressively higher amounts with the addition of daily shots.  Around the 8-10th day, the combination of immediate action from the shorties and the full kick-in of the slow release guys is really killer. I didn't try frontloading 2weeks before my planned cycle, but sounds like it would be nice to try as well.

I was planning on running 500 sust and 500 EQ weeks 1-8 and winny 50 eod 5-10

so how much sust would I want to frontload with...aslo any opinions on starting the sust two weeks before or not would help!


Also, I will make sure to search and read up!
When I frontload sus, I do it very similar to what BStrong said.

I go 1ml per day (I use 300mg strength) for 21 days, then I drop to 1200 mg per week. I'll usually run d-bol for the 21 days, and then when I switch to 1200mg schedule, I'll add in some anabolics (winny/tren, etc.).

It's actually what I am doing right now ... Today is day 4.  :D
                            500MGS WK 3-10
                    DECA 300MGS WK 1-10
                    CLOMID WK 13 NOLVA ALL THE WAY AT 20ED
                     FOR WATER ..AND GYNO TOO