FU Friday

  • Thread starter Thread starter WeirdAl
  • Start date Start date
FU WeirdAl for never being on AIM when I need to talk !
FU boss who left at 11am to get checks and never came back !
FU my car ( I need new tires)
FU WeirdAl for starting the FU thread befor me again !

FU Simmi for going to work at my branch when i was gracious enough to come help your short staffed piece of S**t.
FU Matt and Tim for letting my branch stay short staffed for more than 6mos
FU Tim for not automatically giving me the mgr position
FU unnamed corporation for being just like the rest of corporate f-ing america
FU Anna for not calling
FU Janie for quitting on a friday
FU bank customers

FU sharon and carolyn for giving me mcdonalds dollars--like i need to eat that shit!
FU buddy for being big and stupid
F-me for being so damned sore all over.
FU dr. Brueggers--you suck at your job
FU dr. K for going to f-ing syria to find a suitor for Anna
FU Papa Johns

I'm a little better now.
FU so called "friend" for not paying me the money I fronted for you
FU Trash Removal for not being able to pick up my tree branches until next Saturday
FU People who fight dogs for "sport"
FU Grass for growing long enough for me to have to cut AGAIN
FU Third Shift
FU Sheetz for recalling all of your ephedra products