Lot of weird shit will go on this month at the gym. My gym is not big member wise so everyone knows that me and my 2 workout partners are serious plus the fact 2 of us weigh 250 and the other 275 kinda keeps them away from us. But there is always a dumbass in the crowd. Like the new guy that just walks in and say what r u taking. CREATINE I reply.
1bigmus said:
Jan is the time for the dummies to come to the GYM. Can't blame the owners though they $$$ just walking in the door! Gotta pay the rent.

Yep, the nice part it they pay their dues and then quit working out in a few weeks. Gym get's the $ with very little wear-n-tear on the equipment. Patience, in a fee weeks the mullets will be gone. :D
The stupidest thing I've seen lately is the "wannabe" who wears his headphones, wrastlin boots, headrag, string tanktop, and clown pants and of course, his fag bag. The guys walks around and stares at himself in the mirror(while keeping tight) and tries to eyeball anyone with size. At 5'9 200lbs he thinks he's huge, especially from the side where his manboobs fold over.
If people are nasty to me im nasty back I dont care where I am . Ill teach them gym edicat if I have to drop a 40lb plate on there foot40. I worked in a jail for 4 years I know how to deal with assholes
guy did that twice to be on the hammer row.. set wieghts up.. went to tie my shoes come back the guys taking wieght off.. then i go do something else and come back load it back up.. go to do a power walk and come back in 15-20 sec same little 14" teenage stripping wieght back off the row macine...

we sometimes lose site of the truth in people.. rember it takes 40 muscle to smile and only three to reach back and BITCH SLAP SOMEONE.. LOL
Two days ago there were 3 warriors doing dumbell presses on a bench next to me. One of the heros drops the weights at the end of his set and sure enough, they bounce on the floor right into my foot. Thanks a lot Einstein!

Glad he wasn't using enough weight to hurt me LOL
i actually enjoy all the new people, especially the hotties, but it does get annoying with all the block heads in there at times
BStrongBwell* said:
It's that or the pig in spandex filling her 2L water bottle up at the fountain without so much as considering if anyone else is waiting....clueless...rude...morons!

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really hate that shit!