fukin depressed bros

fuk, bro's mentally i am fuked up. . . . in the past 2 wks i have lost 19 lbs, i can't eat, can't sleep, can't even fukin think straight. . . . shit is gettin too krazy
LaMasta you BETTER make sure you have your ass down to the gym today after I get out of work. It's time to straighten this shit out all together and get back on track. There ain't no little fuckin whore tramp bitch thats worth it and I mean NONE.
Sorry to hear bro. Get to the gym always makes me feel better.

BTW, just stay away from her. Not wortht he jail time. When she comes crawling back after realizing what she is missing, just leav her hang.
Keep your head up bro. Don't sweat them girls man. She did you a favor by breaking up with you, now new pu ssy is fair game. Just remember, it is only short term. It will get better!
I went through the same shit in the middle of my last cycle, it fucked up my gains and shit and the sad thing is i ended up getting back with her after a few months and she was done having some fun with some fag. Don't make my mistake, forget her and get over her and move on its much better. Even though things are better now i hold resentment too her for what she put me through and the first chance something better comes along im taking it and she will get a taste of what I went through when she doesn't have someone to fall back on.

I know your thinking in the back of your head that there is a chance you will get back with her, forget that thought and just move on and get over the pain it will go away and you will be better off trust me.
F'in women.

An ex ex ex had these two cats that she loved that I hated cuz they pissed everywhere. So, anywho, she pulled some shit on me that hurt really bad. So, I got pissed and kicked one of the cats...harder than I planned to...cuz it went over the railing on the balcony. 22 stories later it "passed on". So she started crying (at this point I fucking hated her) but I comforted her and apologized. So I said, "don't worry about making me feel bad...just don't be sad." She said, "You asshole! My poor baby lost his best friend because got angry...just because I got drunk and did something stupid (doinked a friend of mine) and all you can think about is how bad you feel? What about my poor kitty? He's gonna be so lonely now....you asshole" I said, "We wouldn't want that" and threw the other one off too. Whoops.

I love animals (especially if they're cooked right) but those two cats...well...the world is a better place without them. As for her, well, we really don't talk anymore.

Lamasta bro, hows it going man, as i speak im going thru some similar shit within the last couple days. i feel as if i cant breathe sometimes, i just finished my cycle a week ago which doesnt make it feel any better. i'm losing weight like crazy which is not good because it's unhealthy weight loss of not eating, depression, anxiety, and lack of sleep (2-4 hrs) and the worst of all not lifting. i may need to go to the doctors if this shit keeps up. kinda funny, i quoted some things above over a week ago and now i need to take my own advice. but yeah, hang in there as i will try the same.
Hey bro,you were here for my wife and me on my thread,I'll pray for you as well.It will get better.Effexor really helped me alot!
Username said:
That sucks bro! I think I might have a little post cycle depression myself and it's no fun. Then add the stress of women problems it can be hell. Hang in there hit the gym hard to get your mind off things.
this is great quote!
hey bro i went through a lot of fucked up things over and over. so just do what i am doing focus on bb and school or work. wish u good luck.
boking said:
shokjosh, what is effexor

Its a fairly new anti-depressant.Should be in the water system IMO :)

Depression and the associated symptoms of anxiety are often the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. This imbalance can be triggered by many different factors.

EFFEXOR® XR is a medication that can help regain that balance so you can feel like yourself again.

If you think you may have depression, generalized anxiety disorder, or even both, you may be wondering if a single medication can treat both conditions at once. It turns out that these two conditions have a lot in common. EFFEXOR® XR helps treat the overlapping symptoms of depression and generalized anxiety disorder by helping balance two brain chemicals instead of just one.

In addition, EFFEXOR® XR is proven to help patients achieve remission—virtually no symptoms. In this way, EFFEXOR® XR may help you feel like yourself again.

Two Chemicals at Once

Research has demonstrated that serotonin and norepinephrine are two important chemicals that nerve cells use to communicate. These chemicals, called neurotransmitters, play a role in concentration, attention, and aggression.

Shortages of norepinephrine and serotonin are thought to play an important role in depression and generalized anxiety disorder. By increasing the levels of norepinephrine and serotonin through a mechanism in the brain called reuptake inhibition, certain medications can help to combat depression and generalized anxiety disorder.

Many medicines that are used to treat depression and/or anxiety disorders are single reuptake inhibitors, meaning that they increase the level of only one neurotransmitter. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), for example (such as Paxil®*, Prozac®*, and Zoloft®*) act only on the levels of serotonin.

EFFEXOR® XR is a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor that uses dual reuptake inhibition, meaning it increases the levels of both serotonin and norepinephrine. By inhibiting both serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake, it may be possible to help more patients achieve remission.

Achieving Remission

In clinical studies, venlafaxine (the active agent in EFFEXOR® XR) demonstrated a consistently high remission rate that ranged from 35% to 45% or greater. As the first antidepressant indicated for both depression and generalized anxiety disorder, EFFEXOR® XR helps provide relief from many overlapping symptoms of the two diseases. Using EFFEXOR® XR, more patients may achieve remission as opposed to response.

Stopping treatment short of full remission can increase the likelihood of relapse (a return of symptoms), poor outcome, future treatment nonresponsiveness, residual disability, and even suicide. Therefore, it's important to strive for remission (virtually no symptoms), rather than reduction of symptoms. EFFEXOR® XR, available in simple, once-daily dosing, helps patients to achieve remission and, feel like themselves again.

*EFFEXOR® XR is a registered trademark of Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories. Other brands listed are the trademarks of their respective owners and are not trademarks of Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories.

Important Product Information

Before starting EFFEXOR® XR (venlafaxine HCl) Capsules, tell your doctor about any medicines you're taking, including over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements. Pregnant or nursing women shouldn't take any antidepressant without consulting their doctor. People taking MAO inhibitors should not take EFFEXOR® XR. While taking EFFEXOR® XR, some people may experience nausea, dizziness, sleepiness, delayed ejaculation, sweating, dry mouth, nervousness, insomnia, anorexia, and constipation. EFFEXOR® XR may raise blood pressure in some patients, so blood pressure should be monitored regularly. EFFEXOR® XR may impair judgment, thinking, or motor skills; patients should exercise caution until they have adapted to therapy. Talk to your doctor before discontinuing or reducing your dose of EFFEXOR® XR. Ask your doctor if EFFEXOR® XR is right for you. Full Prescribing Information is available on this site.

or just click here http://www.effexorxr.com/e/e10.jhtml
LaMasta...listen to your bro in law, get to the gym. Shift your focus away from her and on to your BBing. Get back to EATING and gain back that 19lbs. You'll be sorry if you don't do this later. Let your boy know he better stay away too. That would be f'd up. I'd use this as an opportunity to get as much pussy as possible. That'll get your mind off things! :D
Damn, I hesitated posting this a few days ago because I didn't know if anyone could relate. LaMasta, I've been going through the same exact shit lately. I've been off about 3 weeks or so now.....and using liquid clomid. I've had numerous problems at home with my girl but we are working through it and most of it was my fault. Bottom line is, you have to stay busy bro. I felt the worst I ever did on Monday and after work I told a few eca's, hit the gym and my mid-workout I felt like a champ. It's amazing how therapeutic the gym can be for us.........I'll pray for ya bro, I've seen you around for awhile and you're a good dude. One thing though.....if your girl likes a friend of yours that's FUCKED UP and if that "friend" reciprocates.......that's beyond fucked up, it's straight up unacceptable.
hey bro, i know how you feel (been there too) i just finished my current cycle, and now i am afraid i will be there again. just use this pain as motivation in the gym. plan out a kick ass cycle for yourself to get on as soon as your time off is over. then go kick your "boy's" ass if he gets involved. good luck, and take care.
hey bros im back, well thanx for the info shok. i had an anxiety attack a real bad on couple days ago after i posted my last post. i ended up in the ER. the doc gave me some Ativan for my anxiety, becauase i have been having to much stress n shit going on right now. but i feel somewhat better now that im on that stuff, and then i have to go see my other doc to see whats up, i may need some therapy, wish me luck bros.... kinda scared..