g-string stress test

has anyone considered that it's just a tatoo, and she's going comando?
*Claire* said:
high school is such a trying time for young women...

where does one buy a thong that big?
it's obviously not a normal walmart size, that wouldn't even get past her knee

i would reccomend standing back at least 50 feet so that no one gets hurt when that thing blows

lol claire... that could put out an eye if it blows
Wags8 said:
My question is; How is she staying seated without falling backwards?

Its the same principle as a crane... counter-weight. I have to give props to the manufacturer of the bench, that thing is sure built sturdy.
I wonder if the photo was taken in Wisconsin? Looks like a clssic example of the Wisconsin Great White.
Badgermoon said:
Its the same principle as a crane... counter-weight. I have to give props to the manufacturer of the bench, that thing is sure built sturdy.
I wonder if the photo was taken in Wisconsin? Looks like a clssic example of the Wisconsin Great White.

LOL! There ya go again, Badgermoon! :laugh: